Update Date: June 2023

Created By: Marizane Brummer

1. Go to the TMS URL:  https://tms.euphoria.co.za/ 

2. Choose the desired account. (A user needs access to the menu Item in order to complete the below steps) 

3. Click on the API & Integration Center menu item.

4. Click on the Integration Center sub-menu item.

5. When more than one integration group exists, select the correct Integration group.

6. Click on the down arrow next to the Actions tab. 

7. Click on the Add Webhook button. 

8. Give the webhook a name: Used to identify the webhook, it is useful to make this descriptive.

9. Select a Webhook Type:

Browser Window:  Goes directly to the URL given by the target system, like opening a new tab) 

AJAX Get: Preferred when reading information. To show information.

AJAX Post: Used for a create function and can overlap with the Get function. 

AJAX Put: Used for updates 

AJAX Delete: Used to delete information.

10. Select a Webhook Data Type:

10.1. URL: The location of the web service on the target system, including the page name. 

10.2. JSON: Stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Data is in name/value pairs and is separated by commas. It is often used when data is sent from a server to a web page.

10.3. XML: Stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is a software and hardware-independent tool for storing and transporting data.

11. Select the Response Type, which is how the target system wants the response to be handled.

12. Add any Parameters that will be data sent to the target system, including variable names to identify components. These variables should be detailed in the target system’s documentation. 

13. Multiple variables and their accompanying parameters can be set by selecting the “+” button to add additional lines. 

14. Click the Test and Configure button, (Often, the result may contain many fields that are not essential to the current objective; by selecting checkboxes at the head of each column, the view presented to the agent can be configured.)

15. When selecting Agent View, a manager will be able to view what the agent will see as the end result. 

16. Click Save to create the webhook.

 Once a webhook has been created, it can be added to a queue or campaign.

How to Add a Webhook to a Queue