Update Date: June 2023
Created By: Marizane Brummer
1. Go to the TMS URL: https://tms.euphoria.co.za/
2. Choose the desired account. (A user needs access to the menu Item in order to complete the below steps)
3. Click on the Campaign Manager menu item.
4. Click on the Campaigns sub-menu item.
5. Click on Add Campaign.
6. Add all necessary information to create the campaign parameters:
6.1. Give the campaign a name.
6.2. Choose a dialer type; remember to review the Campaign Features doc when choosing a dialer type.
6.3. Create a script if you want users to read an exact worded document to clients.
6.4. Add custom fields if the information you want to pull from the contact list does not appear from the created parameters.
6.5. Adjust the general campaign parameters. Parameters differ depending on the dialer that has been chosen.
6.6. Add Dispositions Tags to the campaign.
6.7. Adjust the Agent Permissions.
6.8. Add a Target to the campaign if needed.
6.9. Click Submit to save changes made.
7. Once submitted, add agents o the campaign:
7.1. Click on Manage for the created campaign.
7.2. Click on Edit to add agents to the default campaign.
7.3. Add agents to the course by enabling the tick box next to their name and click on Apply.
8. Create and add a contact list to the campaign:
8.1. Click on Add List in the campaign.
8.2. Create an Excel spreadsheet with all the contact details that the user will need in the parameters.
8.3. Add the spreadsheet to the TMS with the following:
A name.
A new target, if needed
A new script, if needed.