Update Date: June 2023

Created By: Marizane Brummer

  1. Go to the TMS URL: https://tms.euphoria.co.za/ 

  2. Choose the desired account. (A user needs access to the menu Item in order to complete the below steps) 

  3. Click on the API & Integration Center menu item.

  4. Click on the Integration Center sub-menu item.

  5. Click on +Add New to add an integrations Group.

  6. Give the group a name (The name could represent a company, department, branch etc., under which all webhooks fall)

  Note: Steps 7, 8 and 9 are either or options.

  1. Select one of the authentication types. There are three authentication types: 

    1. None - this may be used if the target system does not support authentication or is using something like IP authentication. 

    2. API Key - a password. 

    3. Open OAuth 2 - Is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used for allowing third-party applications to access resources on a user's behalf, without exposing their credentials.

    4. Credentials - a username and password.

8. Select an authentication level.
    8.1. Global - a single set of credentials is used for all interactions with the target system. 

    8.2. User - each user interaction with the target system will require individual credentials. A “Members” link

     will show up next to the group to allow the configuration of each individual set of credentials. 

9. When a  Global authentication level is selected: 

9.1. Add the API Key if API is chosen.

9.2. Add the username and password if Credentials is chosen.

10. Click Save to create the group.