What is the Euphoria Telephone Management System (TMS)?
The Euphoria Telephone Management System (TMS) assists organisations to understand their telephony and helps them to control, track and analyse their system activity. Incoming and outgoing call costs, trends, usage patterns, and detailed customer experience information is all readily available. There’s never been an easier way to pinpoint bottlenecks in the system or frustrations your customers may face.
Browsers and Operating Systems
TMS can be used on any web browser but is optimised for Google Chrome; we do not recommend using Microsoft Edge. Specific desktop applications such as a softphone and a recording downloading application have been developed but are available for Microsoft Windows only at this time. Mobile applications for both IOS and Android are available in the respective app stores.
General System Information
TMS Account Types
Before delving into the TMS, it is important to understand the different user account types that are available. TMS has three predefined user account types available to end users:
PBX Admin (Super User)
The PBX Administrator is the topmost level and has full administrator privileges. By default, this is the first TMS account created within an organisation. The PBX admin assigns roles to others within an organisation. Typically, only one person in a company holds this login account type.
A manager login is a configurable user account type and can receive any combination of access from the available features and pages available in the TMS, i.e. A manager can create, manage and control functionality within TMS, much like a PBX Admin or only certain selected pages as desired. A Manager login can be given distribution of (or visibility of) selected extensions, campaigns or even queues to restrict their visibility of the associated data of these elements. However, a Manager has access to some non-technical features, such as Automated Reporting and Scoring that a PBX Admin does not.
Extension User
An extension user can only control their own extension, and view their associated data such as call history and recordings. The extension type of the associated extension will affect the functionality that this account has access to; for example, an agent extension will include the Agent Workspace, whilst an Enterprise extension will have access to a browser phone. More on these features will be covered in later chapters.
TMS Login
Users can log into TMS via the TMS URL using their company email address and the password provided in their Welcome Mail.
Users access the portal with a TMS login that is independent. What this means is that It is not tied to any specific company. The reason for this is that a client can have accounts with the TMS login across multiple companies. The login is merely the container that allows us to access those accounts.
If a user cannot remember their password or has lost it, they can recover it using the password recovery link on the login page.
After logging in, if more than one account is associated with this TMS login, the user will be directed to a list of assigned accounts to choose from. Once an account is selected, the user will be directed to the TMS Dashboard.
TMS Layout Framework)
The header shows the account holder's name, a control to switch accounts, the network status and a help menu. Clicking on the profile icon will provide a menu with the options to edit their profile details and image, to reset their password or to log out of the TMS.
The account switching control gives the user the option to change from one account to another if they have more than one attached to this login. For example, if a user has a manager and an extension account, they are able to switch between them.
Collapsable Menu
On the right of the screen is the collapsable menu list with all the features available to an account holder. These menu items can be opened to show sub-menu items. When a menu item is chosen, it will open as a content tab with a content window showing information.
Content Tabs
Content tabs are opened when a sub-menu item is chosen. What is important to note is that the dashboard will become available as a content tab, and the user can choose any content tab that is open and be redirected back to that content window without first closing other tabs.
Content Window
The content window is where all the information on the submenu item is shown. In most of the content windows, a Filter and Export Options is available at the top. Certain pages can be exported or printed - this function is available in the “Options” dropdown. The Options dropdown may also include advanced filters where information criteria can be specified.
Once the filter options have been chosen, the information will be shown as overviews, lists etc. Some content windows have the option to create or delete information, whilst others have the option to delve deeper into the details of line items.
TMS Dashboard
The TMS Dashboard provides an intuitive and easy-to-use control panel to manage different aspects of an account. Dashboard options will differ depending on the account type (PBX admin, manager, or extension user), as will the elements displayed. When a PBX admin opens the dashboard, a cumulative history of outgoing calls, incoming calls and company costs are shown. RICA status is displayed and can be updated on the dashboard by adding the information required in the “Change RICA Documents” tab. Basic billing details and the most recent activity across the entire company are also shown.
When an extension account is opened, the registration status, line latency (the time in milliseconds that it takes for a data packet to travel from the phone to the server), and live IP address of an extension is shown.
Feature and Permissions
The TMS works feature and is permission based. Features are the menu items and sub menu items available in the TMS, whereas permissions allow an account holder to use the features.
There are 2 types of features. Platform and Extension based Features. Platform features are inherent to the platform. They provide a lot of the supporting architecture and structure to the features that are utilised by the end-user at an extension level. They also support the behaviour of the platform and the reporting of telephony activities. Extension features are used by individual extensions and are not activated by default for all extensions.
Platform features are categorised into three types: Behavioural, Administrative and Managerial, each of which is explained in its own section below. This link will take the reader to the full features and benefits document: Euphoria Platform - Features and Benefits.
Behavioural Features
Behavioural Features define how the phone system environment behaves and control elements such as call flow through IVRs, Huntlists, Inbound Route management, Music on Hold, and so much more..
Administrative Features
Administrative platform features allow for the management and maintenance of the platform itself. They are mostly geared towards configuration management and general support of users and are predominantly technical or financial.
Managerial Features
Managerial features are the platform's components geared towards those in management roles and are predominantly focused on information gathering and reporting.
The TMS Menu
Billing & Accounts
The Billing & Accounts menu item includes account details, information on the company’s monthly expenditure, and voucher details and history.
Account Details
These include financial and company details. Different actions are available depending on the customer’s payment type, i.e. whether the account is prepaid or postpaid.
Edit Billing Details
Clicking on the “Edit billing details” button will open a pop-up screen, where details of the account and debit order details can be viewed and updated. Airtime level alerts can be added or edited.
Renew Services: Prepaid client
Clicking on the “Renew Services” button will open a pop-up screen where service details can be edited, and a detailed monthly costs history can be viewed. Payment can also be made via credit card or EFT. Once the payment option is chosen, the user will be directed to a new page to make the payment safely and securely.
Buy Airtime: Prepaid Client
For Prepaid customers, clicking on the “Buy Airtime” button will open a pop-up screen where an amount to top up with, as well as a payment method, can be chosen.
Postpaid Calling Credit Limits
Euphoria Telecom will set a calling credit limit for users on a postpaid account, this is calculated according to the credit policy and may require a deposit.
The calling credit limit is an advanced system that allows users to make outgoing calls up to a specified amount for each billing cycle.
Should the calling credit limit be reached or exceeded, outbound calling services will be automatically suspended. Services will be restored when either a payment is made to lower the outstanding balance below the credit limit or the credit limit is increased.. Admin users will be notified before the value is reached and once again when the value is reached via email alerts.
Call Cost Calculator
The call cost calculator allows the user to review the cost to call a specified number. The budget tab allows a user to calculate how many minutes would be available to call when dialling a particular number with a certain amount of airtime for a extension utilising the budget feature.
Transaction History
The Transaction Summary page includes a summary of all invoices issued to the organisation. It shows transaction totals by card type, transaction type, and reference number (e.g. invoice number) for the period specified in the filter. When the statement button is clicked, a new page is displayed where a date range can be chosen to produce a specific statement; these can then be viewed, downloaded as a PDF, or printed.
Any outstanding invoice can be paid from here; when the outstanding invoice is chosen, click on the pay button, and a pop-up will appear that shows the exact amount due with the option to pay via credit card. Multiple Invoices can be paid at once as well.
Voucher History
A voucher is a document that proves that a monetary transaction has occurred between Euphoria and a client.
A payment voucher takes the place of cash in a transaction, acts as a receipt, or indicates that an invoice has been approved for payment. Top-up vouchers can be entered here, and users can view their voucher history, including values.
This page contains a record of all unprocessed transactions on an account which can be completed by clicking on the Complete Payment button. Predominantly this page is for use by customers on Prepaid accounts, that they may choose to pay for an order at any time, that it may be completed and activated.
TMS Users
What is a Manager Login?
A Manager login is a configurable and restrictable account that allows a business to set boundaries on a user’s feature and data access.
Within the TMS Users page, it is possible to create managers, set permissions, create roles and distribute extensions, campaigns and queues. “Distribution” simply denotes visibility, i.e. whether the Manager is able to see these objects, and their associated data. Managers can further create other manager accounts for those who report to them and assign them permissions. They can also distribute extensions, campaigns or queues to be visible to them and allocate specific permissions to extension users.
Managers are able to take ownership of their department’s extensions directly with the “Put Under Management” icon. If the extension is currently owned by another manager, they will need to release ownership before the new manager can assume it, with the exception of the PBX Admin, who can overwrite ownership. Only the “owner” manager can set the permissions on an extension, and an extension can only be “owned” by a single manager at a time.
Adding/Removing a Manager
On the Managers page, new managers can be added to an organisation. Different managers can be created within a company - for instance, a sales manager or accountant. An accountant may only need to access “Billing & Accounts” menu items, whilst a sales manager will need to be able to see their team members and the data relevant to them.
From the “Add Manager” pop-up, the user can either choose an existing TMS Login for a manager or create a new one. If an existing TMS account is chosen the user will need to insert their existing account credentials. If the “Create TMS Account” option is selected, the manager's details will need to be provided. On a pre-paid account the service for a new manager will need to be paid before it shows. On Postpaid accounts the new manager will show immediately after a page refresh.
A manager can not be removed when they have queues, campaigns, extensions or sub-managers(Group leaders) assigned to them.
Managers can provide permissions for managers or extensions that they manage. These permissions are set to ensure a manager or extension has the ability to execute their specified tasks and responsibilities but not have access to unnecessary features or data.
The permissions available to be set are according to their account type; the options available for an extension and manager account type differ. Roles can also be used to manage permissions, and are assigned to an account on the permissions tab.
Remember: If certain permissions are not enabled for a manager, then that manager will not be able to enable those permissions for any extension users or managers under them. This is different from Features, which are available to assign even if the manager does not have these enabled.
A role is a set of permissions that can be used as a template and applied to other users. Bear in mind that the permission options available differ between user account types.
By applying a role, the permissions used in the role will be applied to that user. User roles usually correlate with their department function but can also be tailored to an individual's job function.
For example, a role can be allocated to an extension within the finance group or within the sales group. This role could then be called “Finance” or “Sales”.
Assigning Roles
A manager can assign roles to extensions in two ways::
By going to the “Assign Roles” option on the “Roles” tab and Adding the extensions under their management to the role.
By opening the extension in the “Distribution” tab and assigning a role. This will overwrite the default role.
Should a user’s permissions be updated after the role is applied, their role will change to “Custom” as they are no longer within the scope of that role. Alternatively, should a role be updated, then each user having that role will be updated accordingly.
Distribution is when an object such as an Extension, Queue or Campaign is allocated to a manager. To do this, these objects will need to have already been set up (refer to relevant chapters for more information).
Distribution can also happen automatically, such as when a manager creates a queue or campaign.
Distribution differs from ownership. If an extension is distributed to a manager, it will only be visible to them. Whereas if they own an extension, they will be able to set permissions for it.
Distribution can also apply to several managers, i.e. an extension can be visible to multiple managers, such as with a direct report and a quality manager, but can only be owned/managed by one manager.
An extension can be distributed in the “TMS Users/Manager” menu under the Distribution tab.
If it is not already owned, a manager can take ownership of an extension that is distributed to them by selecting the “Put Under Management” button within the extension settings in the Distribution tab.
Managers can view which extensions have a TMS login from this page. Extensions not linked to a TMS login have a RED icon whereas ones already linked to a TMS login have a BLUE icon.
DID Manager
Direct Inward Dialling (DIDs) numbers are an organisation’s telephone numbers. Within the DID manager tool, an administrator can view and manage DIDs assigned to their organisation.
Telephone Numbers
Within this sub-menu, an administrator can see all DIDs, a description of each number and which Action Group the DID belongs to.
When editing a DID , the user can choose an action group give the DID a Route Tag and prepend to a Caller ID , or change the description associated.
A user can request new DIDs, edit existing DIDs’ details, or request to delete a DID if required.
Randomise Pools
The purpose of a randomise pool is to allow agents to vary the Caller ID displayed automatically on calls. This gives an agent the advantage of not being recognised by the recipient. In other words, when an agent has to make multiple calls to the same contact, using randomise pools ensures different DIDs will be displayed as the calling number on the recipient’s phone.
Each randomise pool is a set of numbers that can be allocated to an agent or to a dialler campaign as the CallerID (this will be covered in the relevant chapters). There is a limit of 1000 Characters per Randomized pool. Euphoria stores the numbers as +27 which is a string of 13 characters, including the comma. This means that there is a 75 DID limit for each pool.
A user can add, edit or delete randomise pools. Only numbers that exist within an organisation’s account can be added to a randomise pool, and this functionality is only usable by agents.
PBX Manager
PBX Manager is where the bulk of the system setup and configuration is done. This section needs to be completed to ensure correct functionality for all other sections of the TMS.
PBX Settings
Basic Settings
The PBX settings are global to the company’s account settings, which can affect all extensions
and calls.
For each call, there is a Default External Caller ID number, and for systems that support showing text, a Default External Caller ID Name. These settings provide the default, at a customer level, for outgoing calls. For anonymous calling, apply the “Hide Caller ID” button.
For Caller ID to be used at an extension level, the User should select “Allow Personal Caller ID”, this allows extension level settings to take precedence. Without this checkbox selected, Caller ID settings at an extension level will not be visible.
In multi-branch environments, be wary of customer level Caller IDs, as the call may return to the incorrect office.
The default hold music is the base global music available on the TMS, which will be used across the board, including on outbound calls and queues. This can be overwritten on an individual basis for queues.
The sound and language pack is the system voice that will play to internal and external callers. Customised voice messages can be recorded for the IVR menus; however, when the TMS system uses options like “Voicemail Administration”, the system voice will be used.
The next three settings are related to the parking lot - a hold that can be retrieved from any extension. To retrieve parked calls, users need to be advised of the incoming calls’ parking number. Users can then dial the parking lot number from any extension.
To park a call, it must be transferred to the parking lot extension shown on the PBX settings page. The PBX admin must set the “Parking Lot Timeout”, which is the maximum time a call will be on hold before it returns to the extension that parked it. This is also called the “Hold Time”.
Parkin lot selection is the method by which calls will be put on hold. For example, if 3 calls are parked they will be in parking lot 701, 702 and 703 when “Always Increment is chosen. When “Always first is chosen the calls will be parked in the parking lot option even if it is not in numeric order from the last parked call.
Pickup Groups
Pickup groups enable a call to be picked up at any extension that is part of the group. Users can pick up calls by dialling the pickup feature code.
To add a pickup group, select an unused group number from the selector (from 0 to 40), then select the extensions that are to be members of this group. When the group code is dialled, it will pick up a call ringing at any extension that is part of the group. When more than one call is ringing on group extensions, the system will pick up the calls in the order in which they were received.
Feature Codes
Feature codes are preset key sequences (shortcuts) that enable extension users to access a function. Feature codes are preset key sequences (shortcuts) that enable extension users to access a function. To add a feature code contact Euphoria Support.
For example, a shortcut key can be created to enable a pause code or perform a speed dial, or transfer a call to a queue. Depending on the action required, the system may respond with interactive voice prompts. These are set up according to the organisation’s needs by the Euphoria pre-production team during the initial setup that is completed before go-live. Personalised feature codes can be added to the TMS.
A feature code can also be used to create a call back for the company automatically when a client calls. Please review the section on How to create a callback for the company in the support Portal.
Pause Codes
Pause codes indicate why a participant/agent is not available for calls and can be customised according to the company’s needs.
Pause codes can be created by a PBX admin and used by any extension enabled to do so. To create a new pause code, the admin needs to specify a name, a code (number), a threshold and whether it is productive or not. Pause codes can be used via the Agent Workspace interface or via feature codes, with the numeric code specified.
A threshold is set on each particular pause reason. It indicates the maximum expected duration that the pause should be active, i.e. to indicate when an agent has gone over their allotted pause time. When this happens, an alert will be created and flag the agent in Realtime Monitor: Agents
A pause can be productive or unproductive. For example:
Productive: An agent is not available to take calls but is still considered working, like meetings or training.
Unproductive: The agent is not working and is on a lunch or a bathroom break.
Voice Recordings
Voice recordings are the media files that are used for various functions, like IVR Menues, inbound routes, or queue announcements.
There are three ways a recording can be created:
Upload a message from the browser
Download the Voice Menu Recorder application from within TMS and upload a recording.
Dial the feature code *31 on an extension to record a message or click on the “Record Voice Recording” button.
The computer’s microphone is used to record a voice recording in the browser or the Voice Menu Recorder app. Select the “Record” button to record your voice. If nothing is recorded, check that the microphone is connected and the browser supports this option.
To upload a voice recording, the user can choose a file from their computer by selecting “Browse” and selecting an MP3 or WAV file to upload. The file size limitation is 5MB.
Any voice recording file can be renamed by clicking on the “Edit” button or listened to any recording by selecting “Play” in the list overview. Recordings that are in use by other elements in TMS (queues, IVRs etc.) cannot be deleted.
Music on Hold
Music on Hold (MoH) files play when a caller is on hold.
To add to these, create a folder to house the music files, and give the folder a name and description. Files in a folder can be selected for play either alphabetically or randomly.
Once the folder is created, music files can be uploaded. The same restrictions apply to Music on Hold files as voice recordings. It is important to note that copyright laws and royalties must be considered when selecting music.
It is possible to have multiple folders with different files for different purposes. For instance, individual queues can have different music. Music on Hold does not have to be music only and can include advertisements or announcements.
Call queues coordinate incoming calls. Employees who are members of a queue will receive calls in a specific order, depending on that queue’s settings. Queues are useful when there are many callers and few agents and for statistical purposes, such as understanding how long a client waited before they spoke to an agent or which agents are fielding more calls.
The main overview shows the queue name, incoming or outgoing, and when a queue is chosen, the Basic Details, Members and Webhook tabs to assist admins in managing queues. The queues list shows queue names and descriptions. A PBX admin can edit a queue or delete it if it is not currently in use. Queues can be set up to play announcements and music when callers are waiting.
When creating a queue, give the queue a name, a description and choose whether it is an inbound or outbound queue. Each queue type has very different features.
“Basic” Tab
Outbound Queue Features
Outgoing queues are virtual constructs and not actual queues. These merely use the queue events to create statistics and reporting functionality on outbound calls.
In contrast to how Inbound queues uses Service Level Agreements (SLAs), in Outbound this defines how long agents should wait, whilst ringing,before hanging up a call.
Dispositions can be enabled or disabled, disposition tags can be added as outlined in the campaign manager article.
Admins can add members to the queue.
Inbound Queue Features
Entry Conditions:
Maximum Callers: This sets the maximum size of the queue. If a queue is full, callers will be sent to the next step in the dial plan.
Callers can enter this queue: This option allows the admin to restrict entry to a queue if there are no agents present to take the calls or if there are none currently available.
Regardless of agent/members are available: Adds callers to the queue even when there is no one to answer immediately.
Only when queue has agents/members: Adds callers to the queue when agents are in the queue whether they are available or on a call.
Only when agents /members are available: Adds callers to the queue ONLY when gents/members are in the queue and available to take calls.
Note: If a caller is prevented from entering a queue because there are too many callers or no available agents, the system will continue to the next entry in the hunt list. If the call was not directed to the queue by a hunt list, the call might fail. If a queue is not part of a hunt list, it is recommended that the “Regardless of Agent/Member Presence and Availability” option should be used.
Position and Hold Time Announcement: These options can be enabled to automatically inform allers of estimated hold times and their position in the queue. An admin can set how often this announcement should play. The announcement frequency is timed from the beginning of the announcement.
Periodic Announcement: A recording can be played to callers after a specified amount of time. This can be chosen from the list of Voice Recordings that have been loaded into the system.
Connections and Ring Strategy:
Weight/Importance: This allows the administrator to prioritise queues for incoming calls; the lower the weight, the higher the priority a queue will have over others. For example, if calls arrive simultaneously in two queues, the one with the higher priority will be handled first.
Connect to Agents in Parallel: Sets whether calls are connected to agents in parallel or in series. In other words, each call is considered as it arrives, regardless of its position in the queue, as opposed to processing in a serial manner where only the call first in line is considered. This is highly recommended for all queues.
Ring Strategy: Determines how to distribute a call to agents; for example, try each agent in a round-robin fashion or ring all phones at once.
Ring all available phones: Calls all agents/members at the same time.
Ring least recent phone first: Calls go to the agent/member who has the longest idle time in the queue.
Ring phone with fewest calls: Calls the agent/member who has the lowest number of calls.
Ring a random phone: Calls any agent/member with no rhyme or reason in the queue.
Round Robin starting from the next to last answered: Rings the agent/member in chronological order, taking their penalty into consideration.
Ring a random phone, using agent penalty as a weight: Calls any agent/member with but focused on agent/member penalty.
Ring Busy Agents: Sets whether or not a call should be sent to an agent who already has a call in progress.
Agent Ring Timeout: Determines how long to attempt to connect to an agent before moving on.
Retry: Specifies how long to wait before trying the next agent.
Agent/Member Settings:
Report Hold Time: The agent can receive a message played to them stating how long a caller was on hold.
Announcement: The agent can have an announcement played to them when the call connects. This is useful if an agent is a member of two queues simultaneously, for example, as the queue name can be announced.
Wrap-up Time: How long after a call an agent is considered unavailable. This allows for wrap-up admin work to be completed before the next call.
Service Level Agreement (SLA): Most call centres commit that a certain percentage of calls will be answered within a chosen time period. This does not affect the time a caller is allowed in a queue but instead provides reporting on whether or not the agents are complying with the SLA. This is more fully described in the Queue Analytics article.
Music on Hold: The administrator can choose the hold music.
Queue context: This allows callers to press a number on their keypad to execute a function. For example: Press zero at any time to leave a voice message. The options listed are IVR menus, and the IVR needs to be prepared and enabled before this function can be used.
Dispositions: Can either be enabled/disabled for queues. From here, an admin can add disposition tags. Dispositions are used to provide outcomes for each call, this is particularly useful in reporting progress and results of a campaign. Campaign setup allows for different dispositions to be created for each campaign, and reported accordingly. There are some default tags in each category, and these are flagged with an asterisk (*) to identify them.
Dispositions are divided into categories, which will dictate how the system will act regarding that outcome. The categories are generally divided into Success, Unsure and Failure.
Success being that the desired outcome has been reached, and this contact should not be called again. Successful contacts are thus considered “completed”. Failure is subdivided further into two sub-categories, being Number Failure and Contact Failure; the first being that this particular number belonging to the contact has failed, and should not be tried again, but should the contact have other numbers, it will continue with those. Contact Failure is that the entire contact has become unviable and should not be called again, these contacts are also considered completed.
Unsure, means that there is no finite outcome, and this contact is still viable to be called again. The Max retries parameter interacts with this category as when the Max retry value is reached, the outcome is changed to a Failure state of “Unreachable”. This would be either a Number Failure or, should there be no further numbers to try, a Contact Failure.
There are certain system-generated and other mandatory dispositions in the platform, these are listed in the table below with their categorisations and a description of the disposition.
Members Tab
Within the tab, an admin will be able to view assigned members and set penalty levels for them; this will prioritise the order in which agents are selected for calls. The higher the penalty, the less likely an agent is to be selected.
Members can also be assigned to a queue here by dragging and dropping them from “Available Members” into the Assigned column. All changes made will be effective immediately after the “Apply” button is selected.
Webhooks Tab
Webhooks are used to integrate with applications at specific times before, during or after a call. Webhooks need to be set up in the Integration Centre sub-menu, under the API & Integration Menu, before they can be used. Webhooks will be discussed further in the API & Integration Menu.
Conference Rooms
A conference room is a location that multiple members can dial into to have a single conversation. Callers can join a conference room by internal users (by transfer or feature code) or outside the company using a direct line, making it a very flexible submenu item. The conference room is protected by a PIN number so that only invited parties can join a call.
The main conference room page shows a list of all existing conference rooms. Permanent conference rooms are fixed rooms which can be used for any meeting at any time.
When a conference room is added, a room number has to be created. A description can be added for each conference room, shown on the main conference page. Admins can set a PIN and a participant limit to avoid the facility being abused. There are 2 PIN options:
PIN: This identifies an entrant as a normal user to be added to a conference.
Administrator PIN: This allows the user to perform certain administration functions within the conference room.
Several conference options can be enabled:
Wait until an administrator enters the conference: Will not allow everyday users to enter until a conference administrator is present.
Quiet: Does not play prompts on entry and exit.
Prompt user for their name on entry
Announce user(s) count on joining a conference: Announce the number of participants when someone enters the conference.
The mailbox page presents a list of the company’s mailboxes. The list includes mailboxes for each extension and special mailboxes.
Extension mailboxes cannot be edited from this page and are covered in the relevant Extensions_Voicemail article.
Special mailboxes are not linked to any extension and are often used for a communal voicemail - like after-hours support. Special mailboxes can also be used for Hot Desking, which allows users to use an extension as their own by providing credentials. They provide a username (mailbox number) and password (PIN) combination that can be used for authentication.
Special mailbox features:
Mailbox number
Mailbox owner’s name
PIN to listen to mailbox messages
Email address for message notifications (if enabled)
Deletion: The admin can set whether a message is deleted after the voicemail is delivered. Mailbox messages are automatically deleted after one month.
Hunt Lists
A hunt list is a series of actions that will be executed in a predetermined order. The order that they appear is essential, as they are processed sequentially.
The main page shows existing hunt lists with their name, description and the “edit” and “delete” buttons. To create new hunt lists, select the “add hunt list” button and add a name and description to indicate what the list will be used for. When creating a hunt list, the administrator firstly needs to decide what to do should a call go unanswered. This becomes the final step in the hunt list thereafter.
There is no limit to the number of steps that can be added to a hunt list, and the order can be changed at any time by moving an option up or down. The three options are:
Ring Group
The following settings are available for each option:
Announcement: Chosen from the list of available recordings in the system.
Ring Group
Extensions to ring as well as other numbers such as cellphone/other external numbers.
Ignore transfers: This will prevent the system from sending the caller to voicemail. This should always be enabled to send the caller to the next step in the hunt list.
Ring time: How long the call rings before the system will move onto the next step in the huntlist.
How long to wait in a queue: the maximum length of time the caller should be kept waiting in a queue before they are moved to the next step.
Play ringtone: Play a ringing tone to the caller instead of hold music.
IVR Menus
Interactive Voice Response (IVR), also known as an "Automated Attendant", is a menu system that allows people to interact using dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) tones on the caller's keypad. IVR systems generally respond with a pre-recorded audio file at each step to guide users further.
IVR systems allow the caller to direct themselves to their required destination using the keys on their phone, for example, "Select ‘1’ for Sales, or ‘2’ for Support”. Each selection/digit within an IVR can be set to a particular destination.
Admins can create and link IVRs. These linked IVRs can direct callers to a range of different endpoints. To inform a caller what number to press, the administrator needs to select the relevant “Announcement To Play” from the list available.
To create the IVR recordings need to be uploaded and saved in the Voice Recording section of the PBX Manager, the keypad mapping section needs to be configured with these recordings. Each key can be configured to perform an action. Certain non-numeric options are also available:
Timeout: Iis used when a caller does not press any keys.
Invalid: Is used when a caller presses an unassigned option.
When either of these two options occurs, the admin may want to repeat the menu or play an announcement and then repeat the menu, or hangup.
The general parameters on an IVR are:
Menu timeout: The amount of time in seconds that the caller has to press a key option. If the caller does not press a key, the “Timeout” menu option will automatically be selected.
Key press timeout: The time the system will wait between key presses, for example, if a sequence of digits is being entered.
Extension/feature codes dialling: Enables the user to dial an extension or feature code instead of the options being presented in the IVR. Key press timeout also affects this as extensions are typically three digits long, and the wait time will ensure that the entire extension is taken into account.
Note: If this menu is used first on an inbound route, the ring time before playing an announcement will be used. This means the system will ring for the same amount of time as it would before playing an announcement.
Inbound Routes
Inbound Routes is a list of actions determining how a call coming into the company will be handled. These actions can send the call to an extension, queue, IVR or a preset script.
Routes can be set as operator-based or time-based. Time-based actions happen automatically depending on a schedule or given time and date, whereas operator-based can be manually adjusted. For example - a receptionist might toggle between office hours and after hours, or a route may automatically go from office to after-hours based on time and day of the week.
With inbound routes, “actions” refers to the set of conditions that will govern whether a call matches a route or not.
The left-hand pane shows the available action groups and the option to create a new action group. Action groups are designed to easily manage the routing of several DIDs at once.To create an action group, click on the “Create New action Group” option and give the action group a name, then select the create action group button.
The right-hand pane of the inbound routes page contains two content tabs, being “Actions” and “DID Assignments”, these are used to add actions to the selected Action Group, and to later assign DIDs. A defined action with a schedule and a type is referred to as a “handler”.
Whilst it is possible to have multiple operator-based handlers or multiple time-based handlers in a single group, it is not possible to mix the two types in a single group. It is also important to note that handlers are processed in a top down order, and the first matching handler will be utilised.
There are four levels of settings within a handler as outlined in the following:
Action group Settings
The initial level of settings allows the administrator to choose between time-based and operator-based type routes.. If the handler/ type is set to blank, or the delete action icon (dustbin) is selected, the route will be removed.
Time-based Action Type (Handlers)
There are three preset schedule options for quick and convenient selection.
Date and time can be modified for the new handler option (the * represents the “any” option).
When a handler is created, the system automatically creates a default action that simply hangs up the call.
Operator-based Type (Handler)
Controlled manually by an operator (e.g. receptionist)
Handler Settings
When the action group is set to operator-based, the handler can be set as either “Day”,” Night”, “Temp”, or “Any”. It is useful to always end with an “Any” handler to cover any hours outside of those the administrator might have specified with other handlers. The “Temp” handler is often used as a routing handler for occasions such as company functions or public holidays.
When the Action group is set to time-based, the handler date and time can be chosen from 3 presets:
Catch-All, which represents any time and date.
Weekend, which includes Saturday and Sunday, at any time.
Office Hours, which includes Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm.
Once a time-based handler is chosen, it can be customised to suit requirements.
Note that once a route level setting is chosen, a “Hangup” action will be created by default and should be modified to the desired action.
Action Level Settings
Action level settings allow the administrator to choose from a list of actions:
Hunt list
Feature Code
Reroute Call, which allows the user to forward the call to another number, such as a mobile number for after-hours support.
Play File and Hangup
These topics are covered in their relevant sections in this user guide.
Action Details
Parameter level settings include any settings for the previously chosen action. The parameters required for each action are outlined below:
Queue/Huntlist/IVR/Extension Action Parameters
These four actions all have similar parameters, with the exception of choosing the particular corresponding destination, i.e. when Queue action is taken, choose the appropriate queue.
Select destination
Prepend to CallerID: This is an optional parameter allowing a text string to be inserted before the CallerID, which will show up on the screen when presented to a device. For example, this is useful in showing queue names to agents when they belong to multiple queues.
Feature Code Action Parameters
This is an advanced topic, which requires an understanding of feature codes, and their parameters and will be covered more in-depth in its Feature Codes article.
Specify feature code
Input parameters according to the specified feature code
Reroute Call Action Parameters
Provide the destination number
Play File and Hangup Parameters
Select file to play
After the appropriate actions and parameters have been set, click “Apply”.
DID Assignments
Once an action group has been created and configured, DID’s can be assigned to it by selecting the “DID Assignment” tab, and dragging DIDs into the Assigned column. This functionality ensures that large amounts of DID’s can be easily assigned to an action.
The order in which handlers are listed is the order in which the system will execute them. This order can be changed as needed. Once it finds a match, the system won’t try further handlers.
Action groups can be edited and deleted from the left-hand panel; however, an action group can only be deleted once all DID’s have been removed from it.
Extension Manager
Extension Manager focuses on the individual extension set up and the extension settings for queues, extension capabilities, and agent configuration.
The extension page allows the admin to create and see all the active extensions in their respective company groups. To access an extension, choose the group and then click on the extension itself. The search bar can also be used to find a specific extension or name.
The page also indicates how many extensions are not assigned to a group by showing them in the ungrouped group.
Creation of an extension
Admin users and Managers have the ability to create new extensions. After creation, any configuration changes needed can be applied as is described in the sections following.
When selecting the “Create Extension option”, the page will display any extensions that are pending payment. Prepaid clients will find this useful as items will only be activated after payment. The page also shows the last extension created, which is handy if extensions are being created sequentially.
To create a new extension, choose a type from the drop-down, the options available will depend on your provider. Give the new extension a name and a number.
Note: When the account is Prepaid, the item will not be activated until the pro-rata invoice is settled.
If Multiple extensions are created, they will collect on a single pro-rata invoice during the course of a day, which can either be obtained and settled immediately, or it will be emailed to your accounts personnel after midnight. The pro-rata invoice can be found in the Billing and Accounts menu item, on the Orders page. Once paid, the extension will be available for use.
When an extension is created in a post paid account, an alert asks the user to confirm that they understand that this action will affect their monthly costs. .
Once the extension is available for use, further configuration is possible.
Extension Details
Settings for the various extension functions are configured in several tabs, depending on the features enabled for that extension.
The Extension details tab shows realtime details, including registration status, line latency, (the time in milliseconds that is takes for a data packet to travel from the phone to the server), and live IP address of an extension.
Underneath this are the basic details of the extension.
Basic Details
Picture: A picture of the user can be uploaded in place of the default icon
Full Name: This is displayed on internal calls.
External Caller ID Display: Used when an outbound call is made, the external Caller ID Name and number are sent together as the Caller ID (CLI). The “Randomise” option is available to extensions with agent functionality enabled, which will then select a random CLI from the pool specified on the Agent tab. Note: If the PBX is configured not to allow for a personalised Caller ID, these settings will not be visible.
Hide Caller ID: Enables anonymous Caller ID on outgoing calls.
SIP Password: Pressing the “Send Password” button will email a new SIP device password to the email configured on this account.
Account/Agent code: Used to “tag” an agent in call records.
Administrative Group: Used for display purposes to group extensions on various screens throughout the TMS.
Budget: Allows financial limits to be applied to an extension for a defined period - daily, weekly or monthly. When the extension reaches this limit, it will no longer be able to make calls, but still be able to receive.
Prevent Spy: A setting that prevents other extensions from using the Listen, Whisper or Barge functionality on this extension.
Require PIN to dial out: Prompts the user to enter a PIN code when dialling out. This PIN code is the same code used for the extension’s voicemail, and voicemail must be activated for this function to operate correctly.
Require Authentication: Uses a username and PIN (generally, a special mailbox needs to be created for this purpose, refer to the mailboxes section for more detail) to dial out, but enables the user to dial from any extension.
Phone Engine: To log in to the Agent Workspace, the agent will need a phone engine to transport the calls between the workspace and the server. Two such engines are available, the External Client or WebRTC. When one of these options are chosen, the agent will not be able to change the engine within the agent workspace. A third possibility is available called “Optional”, and this allows the agent to choose which engine to use when they are in the agent workspace.
Outbound Dialling Restrictions
This allows the client to control the outbound permissions of an extension and includes controls like “International dialling” or “Internal calls only” and configurable options “Block list”, “Allow List”, or “Country/Pattern List”. These are covered in more detail under the “Dialling Restrictions” chapter.
These are settings for the physical phone device, allowing the device to connect to a provisioning server on booting and retrieve its configuration.
Phone Mac Address is the device’s physical address; this can typically be found on the side of the packaging or a sticker, generally on the underside of the device.
Phone IP Address is used to statically set an IP address for this device (the IT Administrator will provide this).
Phone Model is for selecting the physical device model; this is critical for the correct settings to be used within the configuration template.
Provision Code allows the user to provision any phone with their extension details. To do this, a programmable key on the phone is set to the URL https://provisioning.euphoria.co.za/XmlBrowser/AgentLogin.xml labelled Login and another labelled Logoff set to the URLhttps://provisioning.euphoria.co.za/XmlBrowser/Logoff.xml. (These links are designed for a yealink phone's XML browser function)
To use this feature, simply press the Login button, and enter the Provision Code provided and enter the Provision PIN. The phone will then be provisioned for that specified extension.
By ticking this box, the user is allowing Euphoria Advanced Desktop Phone to integrate with the extension.
An extension user can be added to a queue from this tab by selecting the Add to Queue button. The pop up allows a user to choose the queue and add a penalty for the extension. Queues can also be removed for the extension from this page.
All the queues that the user is in will display in the content window. The information of each queue shown is the queue name, wether it is active or not, if it is inbound oroutbound and any description of the queue.
Enabling voicemail on an extension allows configuration of the ring-time before the call is sent to voicemail, the mailbox pin, and email configuration. Email settings include whether messages should be delivered to email, the email address for delivery, and whether to delete the message after mailing. Voicemail messages will be saved on the system for 1 month and then deleted.
Within this tab, Call Forwarding and Call blocking can be set up.
Call Forwarding
With call forwarding, three options can be enabled:
Call forwarding Always: Any incoming call will forward to the allocated destination.
Call forwarding on Busy: Any incoming call will only forward if the extension is busy.
Find me follow me: This setting will override the voicemail configuration and allow a call to be forwarded. There are four parts to the configuration of Find Me/Follow Me:
When does the forward occur:
The extension is not answered within a specified length of time
Bypasses the extension entirely and goes directly to the forward
Where is the forward being sent to:
This allows an incoming call to be forwarded to up to five different numbers.
Ring strategy: The forward destinations to be tried sequentially for a specified time limit, or all at the same time
Let Callers know the call is being forwarded.
Confirm Call Acceptance: The caller will receive a voice prompt with the forwarded call to press “1” to accept or “2” to decline.
Use Original Caller’s Caller ID when forwarding.
Enabling this function will block all incoming calls and only allow provided exceptions. Exceptions are in two formats:
Declared, up to three numbers can be added as an exception.
Undeclared, anonymous numbers can be allowed.
When blocking, four options are available as to how the caller experiences this:
Send caller to voicemail immediately
Play busy to the caller
Play ringing to the caller
Playing ringing to the caller before sending to voicemail.
This tab shows the availability and reliability of an extension. If an extension becomes unreachable, the information is logged and displayed here. This is a good indication of limited or degraded connectivity.
Remember: If an extension is unavailable, it cannot accept calls - calling out may still be possible, however.
This allows a user to register up to two additional devices, like a mobile phone or a second desk phone. The additional device can be used to dial out. However, it cannot receive a call to this extension only (i.e. without dialling the parent extension) as it does not have a diallable number. The secondary device can, however, ring when the main extension rings, allowing the user to answer it as per usual.
This tab allows administrators or managers to manage permissions related to individual extensions, it provides flexibility and control over what features are visible and accessible in the TMS per extension user.
If an extension has the Agent feature enabled, this is where an administrator will enable agent functions. These functions are:
Agent Pin
Auto Logoff after (Hours), amount of hours after agent logs in that they will be automatically logged off if they have forgotten to do so.
Time Offset: Timezone
Outbound queue, which is used to collate statistics for outbound calls.
Randomise Pool
Auto Answer, for the Agent Workspace embedded phone, forcing an answer immediately.
Agent Workspace options, such as “Allow Mute”, “Allow Hold”, “Allow Mic Adjustment”, enable an administrator to have more control over agent actions.
Permissions are given to extensions by their managers, these permissions are set to ensure an extension has the correct functionality to execute their specific tasks and responsibilities efficiently.
Remember: If a permission is not enabled for a manager, they will not be able to enable those permissions for any extension users under them.
Groups allow an administrator to bundle extensions together by their criteria; these could be things such as branches, positions or departments. These groups are purely an aid within the TMS but do not affect the workings of the PBX. Groups can allow the administrator to analyse costing and usage better.
To create a group, click on the “Add Group” and provide a name for the new group. Once the name is saved, extensions can be added to the group by selecting the “Assignment” button. From here, extensions can be dragged over to the “Assigned” pane to add them.
The provisioning page enables provisioning templates to be created, edited and deleted. Reseller clients will also see templates provided by their reseller, but these cannot be edited or deleted. These templates are selected from in the extension settings as explored in and allow the physical phone device to self-configure on booting.
The template content depends on the model of the phone; sample templates are available upon request.
Call Detail Records (CDR)
Within the CDR page, an administrator can view all incoming and outgoing calls across the entire account. Various search criteria are also available; these options include the dates, CRM tags, extension filter and “Only Answered” calls. Once filters have been set, the “Display” button will apply them.
The records will display in order of date and time. Each record shows the destination, call duration and whether the call was answered or not. A CRM Tag can be linked to each record and is then searchable via the previously mentioned filters. More details can be viewed via a tooltip, accessible by clicking on the date and time field.
If a call has been recorded, a “Play” icon will be displayed, where it can be listened to and analysed further via a pop-up window. Comments can be created here, and the call can be downloaded. Some calls will not have a play button due to the following reasons:
The extension does not have call recording activated
The call went to voicemail or was cut off without an answer.
The call was very recent and is still being synced.
CDR page results can also be exported and printed. Printing results will only print what is visible on the screen, whilst exporting will give the entire result set.
Call Recordings
This page shows administrator details of only calls that have been recorded, showing recording size, and a quick link to download and a play button, which has the same pop-up as previously seen in CDR pages.
Callbacks can be of two types:
An instant call back can be created when calling a busy extension, and the caller wishes to return the call when they hang up. An instant call back is initiated when certain conditions are met:
Call Waiting is disabled
Call Forwarding is disabled
A busy message is present
The extension is active on a call
The caller selects to create a callback
The callback will be initiated when the originally called extension hangs up, and the call will display a prefix of “Callback” to avoid any possible confusion.
A scheduled callback is created via agent features such as dispositioning in the Agent Workspace when the agent chooses a time and date desired for the callback. At the scheduled time (or as soon as possible after that when the agent is available), the call will be placed to the set number and also prefixed with “Callback” to the agent. The Callback page shows callbacks present in the system, instant or scheduled, and gives an Administrator the ability to change the details, for example, which agent should be required.
Contact Manager
With the Contact Manager menu item, a PBX administrator can manage contacts for a company-wide telephone directory accessible in the TMS and on desk phones.
Within the company tab, a PBX administrator will be able to add new companies, search for a specific company to update details and add branches. A PBX administrator can easily find the company they are looking for by using the search bar provided.
To add a new company, the PBX administrator can do so by clicking on the “Add Company” button at the top right side of the page. Once the basic details have been added and saved, it is possible to add additional information by selecting the edit button. A new page will open where details like the company VAT and registration number can be added. Here, branches can also be added to the company.
The Contacts page allows a PBX administrator to add all their contacts into the TMS and arrange them within companies and branches. A PBX administrator can search for a specific contact by using the search functionality or company filter.
All contacts added can be provisioned to a desk phone. Multiple contacts can be linked to one company. This is done by clicking on the edit button of a contact and choosing the right company and branch on the Career Details block.
When an administrator click’s on a contact name, a new page will open with the contact’s details and a summary of the call detail records. These calls may have the option to be played, flagged and commented on.
The Remote Directory feature allows users to sync contacts to their Yealink SIP Phone(Desk phone) from the Euphoria Telephone Management System in the Contact Management chapter. This allows a user to easily access & manage their contact list remotely, removing the need to update each SIP device directory manually.
Campaign Manager
The purpose of the Campaign Manager menu item is to enable the administrator to create a campaign. It is possible to create several campaigns, each with different agents assigned if desired.
Note: An administrator will only be able to create a campaign if this has been enabled on their “Permission” menu in TMS Users. Likewise, Agent extensions will only be assigned to a campaign if this feature has been enabled for them.
From the Campaign Manager tool, the administrator can create new campaigns by pressing the “Add Campaign” button on the top right of the page.
Campaign Types
There are different campaign types available to cater for varying business cases; these are beyond the scope of this manual and will be covered under specialist topics. Each campaign type has its attributes and parameters.
Preview Dialler selects a contact for an available agent and then works through each number available within the contact until there are no more numbers to try or a result has been reached. This approach means no leads are wasted, and every number is attempted that should be. When the contact has been chosen, the information of that contact is displayed to the agent, allowing them to familiarise themselves while a countdown begins. When the countdown runs out, the system will dial automatically on behalf of the agent.
Power-Dial campaigns are more suited to scenarios of vast numbers of contacts, generally which come at little or no cost, so wasting leads is less of a consideration than agent idle time. When an agent is flagged as idle, the system selects multiple contacts and then dials a single number from each of those contacts. The first person to answer is then passed to the agent. The rest of the contacts who answer may be configured to overflow to a set of actions such as a message or a queue of available agents.
Auto Dialler
Auto Dialler is a voice broadcasting dialler that runs calls independently from any extension. It calls on a concurrency scheme rather than a ratio because of independence. Its primary function is to call high volumes of leads very rapidly.
Adding a Campaign
To add a campaign, an administrator will complete the name, description and optionally, a script.
There are 2 Script Options:
Text Script
Interactive Script
Text is used to create a written script that needs to be followed to the letter .Parameters, or Place holders, can be added, for a personalised conversation. These placeholders will automatically be replaced by the relevant data that is uploaded with the list of contacts
An interactive script, allows the managers to add a scorecard ,on what must be covered during the conversation.This allows the agent free rein, on how to interact with the client, as long as all points are covered.
Campaign Parameters
Parameters available are dialler dependant.
Preview Campaign Parameters
Wrap-Up Time
The Wrap-up time parameter specifies how long an agent will have to disposition a call after hangup, i.e. provide an outcome for the call that has just happened.
Preparation Time
Preparation time is the amount of time, in seconds, that an agent will have to familiarise themselves with the next contact information. This will count down and, upon reaching zero, will dial. This countdown can be skipped by pressing the Dial button.
Max Call Attempts Per Number
The Maximum Call Attempts Per Number, indicates the amount of times a number will be tried, before it is deemed unreachable.
Minimum Contact Interval
A Minimum Contact Interval, will establish the shortest amount of time, before a contact may be retried.
The number used to make the calls. This can be set as Anonymous, a randomised pool, a verified CLI pool, a personal caller ID, or a static number.
Randomised pools allow agents to call from a caller ID that is randomly selected, from a created pool. This gives the advantage of not being recognised by the contact, as the feature ensures different DIDs will show on the contacts phone. If using a Randomise pool, please remember, it will need to be created in advance.
A Verified CLI pool, is a confirmed pool of numbers. Depending on the package agreed to, the CLI pool will show the company name, or rotate the number in a specified timeline. Please speak to a euphoria representative, for more information on verified CLI pools
The personal caller ID is the number set as the CLI for an extension. The dialler will use whichever CLI is configured for the agent, as the outgoing CLI on all calls. If the campaign CLI is selected, it will override the individual id set on an extension.
Ring Time
Ring Time, indicates the maximum time the call will be allowed to ring, before considering it unanswered, and moving on to the next number.
Power-Dial Campaign Parameters
Some of the parameters are the same at the preview Diallers. The ones that are slightly different are:
Minimum Contact Interval
A contact can have multiple numbers. The minimum contact interval, will now indicate the minimum amount of time before a particular number of a contact is attempted again. For example if a number is dialled and the caller does not answer, or the call goes to voicemail, the agent may try a different number after the minimum contact interval.
Dial Ratio
The number of contacts that are selected for the dialler server to call at one time. Because the power dialler works down the list, only one number per contact will be selected. When answering machine detection recognizes that a number is not available , another contact’s number will be added to the list of dialled numbers.
Answering Machine Detection
This button can be enabled to assist the dialler server, in detecting voicemail through Artificial Intelligence. When an answering machine is detected, the system will automatically select a disposition of unsure. Therefore, not occupying agent time with calls that have been answered by voicemail.
Overflow Hunt List
An Overflow Hunt List in Power Dialler, will redirect a second contacts calls, when more than one contact has answered. As a huntlist makes use of queues, this will activate additional queue analytics, which will be discussed further in the analytics lesson.
Trigger PD(Power Dialler) Call on
Trigger Power Dialler, will indicate when to dial the next set of contacts. If the power dialler is triggered on disposition, it means that the agent will be able to complete the disposition report, before the dialler selects the next set of contacts. If the power dialler is triggered on the hang up of a call, the next set of contacts will be dialled whilst the agent is filling in the disposition report.
Auto-Dial Campaign Parameters
The auto dialler parameters, are different from the preview and power diallers, as no agents are needed.
Overflow Hunt List
When a caller decides to hold after the announcement has played they will be sent to the huntlist. An example of this is when a caller hears a promotional announcement and is interested in the product or service. As the auto dialler does not make use of dispositions, the hunt lists analytics will be seen in the outbound queue.
Announcement to Play
Chosen from the list of available recordings in the system.
General Campaign Parameters
Custom Fields
Custom fields allow for non-standard information to be added to the script and appear on the agent’s screen when the contact is being dialled (or, in the case of Power-Dialler, on the phone).
Custom fields, are used to add additional information to the agent's view. This information is imported with
the contact list and needs to be in individual columns. When more than 5 custom fields are needed, it is
recommended to add a webhook, that links to the CRM with the client's details.
Dispositions are used to provide outcomes for each call; this is particularly useful in reporting the progress and results of a campaign.
Campaign setup allows for different dispositions to be created for each campaign and reported accordingly. There are some default tags in each category, and these are flagged with an asterisk (*) to identify them.
Dispositions are divided into categories, which will dictate how the system will act regarding that outcome. The categories are generally divided into Success, Unsure and Failure.
Success being that the desired outcome has been reached, and this contact should not be called again. Successful contacts are thus considered “completed”. Failure is subdivided into two sub-categories, Number Failure and Contact Failure; the first is that this particular number belonging to the contact has failed and should not be tried again, but should the contact have other numbers, it will continue with those. Contact Failure is that the entire contact has become unviable and should not be called again; these contacts are also considered completed.
Unsure means there is no finite outcome, and this contact is still viable to be called again. The Max retries parameter interacts with this category when the Max retry value is reached; the outcome is changed to a Failure state of “Unreachable”. This would be either a Number Failure or, should there be no further numbers to try, a Contact Failure.
There are certain system-generated and other mandatory dispositions in the platform; these are listed in the table below with their categorisations and a description of the disposition.
Agent Permissions
Update Contact Details
Allows the agent to modify or add to a contact’s details, particularly useful in adding alternative numbers to a contact.
Add new customers
Enables agents to add contacts to the current list.
Add notes
Allows an agent to make notes either in the Agent Workspace whilst on the call or in the disposition window at the end of the call. These notes are stored with the call dispositions.
Set CRM Tag
This is also available in-call or in the disposition window and allows an agent to capture a reference number and associate it with the call. These tags are also helpful in searching for calls in Call Detail Records or Recordings pages.
Allow incoming calls during prep.
Will enable an agent to receive an inbound call during the preparation countdown; the countdown will then resume when that call is complete. If this is not enabled, calls will be automatically rejected.
Sticky Agents
Sticky Agents, allow contacts to be assigned to agents that have tried, or have made contact with the client.
Allow Early HangUp
Allow Early Hang Up, allows the agents to hang up on a call before the specified ring timeout.
It is possible to create targets for a campaign, namely, Total Calls, Completed Contacts, Successful Calls or Financial Target, and to choose whether achieving the desired target will automatically deactivate the campaign. Note that targets are also available at a list level.
Campaign Manager Page
The Campaign Manager page allows for an overview of parameters, with buttons to Edit or Delete the campaign and options to link to the statistics, add webhooks, assign agents and manage lists.
Add Dialler Trickle Feed
Dialler trickle Feed is An API call that allows a user to push contacts directly into a specific contact list of a campaign in order to be dialled by one of their agents as a priority. This can be done through any type of URL where lead generation is done, for example, Facebook. The lead will feed into the top of a campaign list automatically as a priority.
Dialler Trickle feed can be used with both a preview and power dialler, but is recommended for the preview dialler.
An example of this would be when a users adds their information to a Facebook page and specify their language. The lead will then be added to the list with that language specification in the campaign. To set up this API key for dialler trickle feed, please refer to the API Documentation on the Support Portal.
Add a Webhook
Webhooks are a mechanism to allow the platform to interact with other systems. These can be added to campaigns to allow feedback or the start of a workflow in a secondary system to the TMS, such as a CRM platform. Webhooks must already exist in order to be selected within campaigns; these are created in the API & Integration.
The action of the webhook can be seen in the Agent Workspace and will be covered in the corresponding chapter.
When a webhook is added, three settings are available:
Which webhook
When to Fire, i.e. what event will initiate the webhook
Behaviour, i.e. whether to ask or just to do it.
Here an administrator will find all information, including how many calls were completed, how many failed and why. These stats are linked to the administrator’s Campaign Analytics tab and will be discussed further in the Analytics chapter.
Assigning an agent to a campaign means that when they are logged in, the campaign is active, and there are available contacts in an active list, the agent will receive calls from that campaign. Agents assigned at a campaign level will be default agents on all lists of this campaign. Note that extensions will not be available for selection if they have not been enabled as an agent.
For an extension to be activated as an agent, the administrator must enable the agent on the Agent tab in the extension manager menu and assign the agent to an outbound queue.
To assign the agents to a campaign, click on the “Manage” button of the desired campaign on the Campaign Manager page. This will open a new “Manage Campaign” page with the agents and contact lists as well as Stats, Webhooks, Edit and Delete buttons. Select the “Edit” button within the Agents section.
A pop-up window will appear, with two panes. Agents on the left-hand side arranged according to groups, and groups in the right-hand pane. Should a group be selected, all members of that group will be included. Note: Multi campaign membership is possible with Preview Dial but not Power Dial campaigns. Should an agent be part of a Power-Dial campaign and are assigned to another campaign, they will be unassigned from the Power-Dial campaign.
Campaign Lists
Once a campaign is set up and agents assigned, a contact list should be uploaded to complete the necessary to start a campaign.
Lists available for a campaign are visible at the bottom of the Manage Campaign page. These are prioritised by the order in which they are listed; it is essential to note that list priority takes precedence over lead priority. A “drag and drop” handle is available to the left of the list name to reorder list priorities. To add a list, click on the “Add List” button, a pop-up window will appear.
Lists may have their own properties, which will take precedence over those in the campaign.
Inherit target from the campaign
Target: Type and value, should inheritance be disabled. (When a target is set on a list level, this will overrule the campaign target for that list of contacts)
Auto deactivate when reaching the target.
Custom script(When a script is created on list level, this will overrule the campaign script)
Upload a CSV spreadsheet by selecting the upload area to browse your local machine or drag a file onto the window. Once the list is imported, the categories need to be checked to ensure that all information matches the configured field setting, i.e. the first name is in the First Name field. Note that a contact in a list can only be deleted if they have not been dialled before.
Within each campaign list, an administrator will be able to view the most recent campaign history and the details of each call. This will also include all the contact’s dial statuses with a time, number of attempts and the agent that last called them. More details of the disposition are available in a tooltip when clicking on a contact name, whilst further contact history details can be found by selecting the “Detail” button.
Note: The number shown next to the contact name is the last contacted number.
List Agents
Once a list has been created, agents can be assigned to the list. Agents already assigned to the campaign will already be selected.
Lists can be moved in order of priority by dragging the list up or down. The list at the top will be contacted first.
Campaign Main Page
The main Campaign page presents an overview of all campaigns, their activity and their progress.
The list of campaigns is in order of priority from top to bottom. The campaigns can be rearranged by dragging or using arrows. When an agent is allocated to more than one campaign, they will receive leads from the higher priority campaign first until that campaign is completed or until the leads in that campaign are exhausted.
The status of a campaign is indicated by either a Red Circle (Not in action), Green Circle (Campaign in use) or Blue Tick (Campaign completed). Selecting the progress bar will show a tooltip with the progress percentage as well as the outstanding target.
Call History
The purpose of the call history menu item is to view and analyse the inbound and outbound calls within a company. This analysis can be done via call history or cost analysis for inbound and outbound calls.
Outbound Call History
Outbound Call History refers to the calls made by a company's extension to people outside of the company.
The filters on Outbound Call History are very similar to Call Detail Records and offer the ability to filter on date range, Answered Calls, extension or search on a number (or part thereof). The view will show the duration of each call and its cost.
When clicking on a Dialled Number, it will display a tooltip showing a list of reports in which that number can be found. An item highlighting in blue with a search icon is an indication of a tooltip being available. Selecting one of the reports in the list will open it.
Outbound Cost Analysis
Outbound Cost Analysis aims to provide broad financial summaries of calls, an overview, and then by group and extension. A date range filter is available, and with a range selected, a graph trending the costs by day will display.
Like the Outbound Call History page, tooltips will provide quick links to reports where the subject is mentioned.
The bottom of the Outbound Cost Analysis page gives “Top Ten” reports by cost, and duration, including the extension and the number dialled. These reports are often a good place to search for abuse of the phone system for businesses.
Incoming Call History
Incoming Call History lists the calls made into the company from people outside; it has filters for a date range and a search function.
The list will show the originating caller ID, status (whether it was answered or not), duration and the number dialled.
Incoming Call Analysis
The incoming call analysis page aims to allow a view of inbound statistics and segmentation of information by source, destination, time or day of the week. This allows for a better understanding of when the business is receiving calls, where they are coming from, and which numbers are being called.
The page is divided into four reports, being “Frequent Callers”, “Days of the Week”, “Hours of the Day”, and “Inbound Destinations”. In the Inbound Destinations, the destination number (DID) dialled will yield a tooltip when selected, giving a menu of reports where that destination is mentioned.
Analytics pages give the administrators insights into various facets of call behaviour, allowing an in-depth understanding of call patterns.
Agent Analytics
For a fuller understanding of the difference between Agents and Participants, please refer to the chapter on the Agent Workspace; the features enabled on an extension will define whether an extension can be an agent.
Agent analytics provide an in-depth view of the performance of each agent or participant. The main page offers a view with filters that an administrator can use to display groups, a particular extension in this summary view, or all extensions regardless of queue participation.
The overview shows a number of details including the number of queues an agent is engaged in, the total calls answered or missed, and the average call times. Selecting an agent will provide a detailed report on their performance.
An agent’s detailed view will incorporate time and attendance reporting, such as a login summary, a pause summary by date, and a pause summary by reason. It is possible to select a date and see a detailed breakdown of each event during that day.
A breakdown of agent call performance per queue is available and should disposition be enabled on those queues, a summary of those per queue as well. Every item in blue in this report is selectable for more detail on that specific item; for example, for a list of answered calls in a particular queue, it is possible to select the Answered value of that queue, and those details will be displayed in a new tab.
When an agent’s call recordings have been reviewed as part of a scoring module assignment, the Scoring summary will be present in the agent analytics.
When a singular day's information is requested, the report will show the Scorecards per assignment, but when multiple days are requested a chart will show the scorecards in date range, depending on how large the date range is (Day, Weeks, Months Etc). Different Scorecards will be presented in colour-coded columns.
A participant’s detailed view only shows their breakdown of activity, i.e. a list of calls and pauses per queue during today by default.
Should a date range of multiple days be selected, then a summary of calls per queue per day will be displayed.
Queue Analytics
The main Queue analytics page allows an administrator to see an overview of the performance of the available queues. The queues are grouped by type, which indicates the focus of call statistics for that queue, i.e. inbound or outbound. This page includes filters that can reduce the view down to a group (type), specific queue or a desired date range of data.
The analytics pages should only be used for historical data analysis. For current information, refer to the section on Real-time pages.
The information available at this overview level is around the macro performance of a queue, total calls, including answered and lost, and time including average and total. More granular information is available by selecting a specific queue.
Because of the nature of inbound calls instead of outbound, the information available when viewing a specific queue is related to the queue type.
Inbound vs Outbound Queue Available Information
Inbound Queue Detailed Report
The basis for these differences is the nature of each of these types of calls; for example, when calling in, there may be several callers waiting for service, in which case understanding the spread of call entry positions will indicate whether there are enough agents to service the demand.
Queue abandonments on an inbound call queue can be for multiple reasons, possibly being that the caller gave up and abandoned the call, or decided to take another action (like leave a voicemail) and so excited with a keypress. Alternatively, there may not have been any agents logged in, and the queue was empty, or the demand was too high for the number of agents available, and the caller was not able to be answered within the specified queue timeout period.
The Call status reporting component in an inbound call queue will show the ratio of transferred to completed calls and can often show if an agent is struggling to handle calls by themselves.
The Ring attempt report will highlight attempts to reach the agent that was unsuccessful, either were not answered or rejected either by way of a “Do-Not-Disturb” function or a rapid reject.
Disposition reporting on a queue will show a breakdown of call outcomes and gives a good high-level indication of team effectiveness.
Service levels on an inbound queue indicate the speed at which a call was answered and whether this complies with the predetermined threshold configured in the queue settings. Call Centres often need to comply with a Service level agreed upon in their own contracts, which makes monitoring this crucial to their service delivery. “Short abandons” (calls hung up within 5 seconds) are also identified within the Service Level report.
Call activity by agent shows the agent, the number of calls they did not answer, the amount of calls sent to do not disturb, the percentage they have for their answer seizure ratio or ASR, how many calls they answered, who hung up at the end of the call, the caller or the agent, the average call time and the total call time. When an agent is selected, the user will be redirected to the agent analytics page . The answered calls and hung-up calls values can be selected for further details. The user will be redirected to the queue call log pages.
Outbound Queue Detailed Report
Outbound Queue detailed reporting differs from Inbound in many respects. Abandonments, for instance, are based on the behaviour of the agent calling out, and the configured timeout value of the queue is the maximum length of time considered reasonable for the agent to wait for the call to be answered, whilst cancelled are those calls hung up before that time limit was reached. This is useful in finding agents who hung up rapidly, not giving the recipient a reasonable chance to answer.
The Service Level component will also assist in identifying agents who are cancelling the call early and not giving the recipient a sufficient chance to answer the phone.
Call Traces (Queue Logs)
On both inbound and outbound queue reports, there are values that, when pointed at, will highlight in blue, which indicates the value can be selected for more detail. This more detailed view will redirect to the queue call logs, which gives a trace of the calls relevant.
The trace will show each event that took place within the call and who performed what actions.
From the queue call log, an administrator also has the option to search specific date and time range, call disposition, wait time and extensions.
Inbound Analytics
The purpose of inbound analytics is to provide statistics around inbound calls, including hunt lists and IVRs. These statistics help measure external behaviour, particularly with interactions with Huntlists and IVRs; for example, measuring how often customers reach the end of a huntlist could indicate a need for further actions to be available.
Inbound Routes
The overview of the inbound route shows a summary by DID of which actions applied and how many times. When a call is invalid, this means that there was no inbound route to take. These values only indicate the immediate action of the inbound route; for example, if an inbound call goes initially to a huntlist and then an IVR, it would only count toward the huntlist count.
Hunt List
The overview of Hunt lists shows how many levels or actions a number had to go through before being answered. Hunt lists should get callers to their destinations as soon as possible. Huntlists with high call counts on higher huntlist levels (Such as "Level 5>") might indicate poorly configured and inefficient inbound routes.
The IVR Menu
IVR summary shows which callers selected options and how often, also to view how many calls were Timed Out (TO), chose Invalid options (INV), hung up (HU), or select the “other” option to be transferred to an operator.
IVR menus with high Invalid(INV) or high Hungup (HU) counts might indicate ambiguous IVR options or options not listed in the IVR menu. Consider the goals of these callers and perhaps include this option in the IVR menu.
Similarly, IVR menus with higher counts on later options might indicate the preferred menu options for the majority of callers. Consider moving these options closer to the front of your IVR menu.
Queue summary shows the active queues as well as their Total Calls, Answers Calls, Abandoned Calls, Average Waiting Time per call and their Average Call Time.
For more in-depth call traces, Call Logs can be accessed by clicking through particular values or by selecting the “Open Call Logs” button within the Report Options on the Inbound Analytics page.
Inbound Call Logs
As with Queue Call logs, the inbound call logs can be filtered by date range and inbound call option, whether it be hunt list, IVR, queue, hangup, transferred etc.
With each call log, the administrator is able to expand the view by clicking the “+” to see all events that occurred within this call. If a “Play” button is present, the call was recorded and available for listening or downloading. A warning indicator will be present if the call has more than four events and that the call should be inspected.
In the event of attended transferred calls, the detailed steps of inbound calls will only be available until the transfer occurred. This is because an attended transfer is a new call and so do not form part of the initial call.
Automated Reporting
Automated reporting is a Manager login specific function. Most of the reports found under this section correlate to the exports found on the corresponding pages within the TMS. There are currently two categories of the report available:
Call Centre
When a category is chosen, the report options will change.
The report will be sent to the file destination chosen and can be read as a CSV file.
Operational Reports
Outbound Call History
The Outbound Call History report contains every outbound call made for the specified period and includes the extension that made the call, duration, dialled number, start time of the call, status and cost. Statuses include answered, busy or no answer.
Incoming Call History
Incoming Call History details all incoming calls and includes a date and time, source number, contact name if the number exists within the company address book, duration (in seconds), answer status, and the number that was dialled (DID).
Itemised Billing
Itemised billing includes a report on all calls in a specified time and date range. This includes the start time and date of the calls; called station, which is the number that was dialled; session bill, which is the cost of the call, SRC is where the call originated from. Phone_extension is the extension that made the call if the call came from an internal source, and terminatecauseid, which is the identification term for the reason that the call was ended. This kind of report will be pulled when a user wants to know what the costs were for all calls and can be compared to the invoices for the chosen time period.
Call Details
The Call detail records report provides a detailed record by record list of calls through the PBX, including the date stamp, details of both parties and the duration.
Call Recordings
Provides a detailed list of call recordings, including date stamp, details of both parties, duration, files size and direction of the call.
Extensions automated report gives a list of the active extensions in the system, with their extension number, configured name, as well as a complete set of all features and whether they are active or not for the given extension.
Call Centre Reports
Agent Summary
The agent summary provides a holistic view of key metrics of agent performance, as well as time and attendance.
The metrics available in the agent summary are:
Total Calls
Successful calls include all inbound calls and connected outbound calls
Failed calls include inbound calls that rang and were not answered (RingNoAnswer), calls that were rejected due to the “Do Not Disturb” function (RingDoNotDisturb). Any outbound calls that failed are also included in this value, for instance, abandoned, invalid, congested and busy calls.
Dispositioned Call statistics
Initial Login time
Last Logoff time
Login Duration, as an agent may log in and off several times during the course of their shift, the login duration is the summation of all of those sessions.
Pause Durations
Talk Time
Ring Time
Idle Time
Agent by Queue Summary
Agent by Queue Summary is a subset of the total agent summary, showing the split of the call statistics, broken down by queue.
Pause Detail
Pause detail report shows the summary of agent pauses by reason for each agent, including whether it was a productive pause, the reason and a number of events, as well as the duration.
Call Disposition Detail
The Call Disposition Detail report shows every disposition record for the date range and included details such as:
Number Dialled
Caller Line ID (CLI) is the number shown to the recipient for outbound calls.
Campaign Name, if dialled from a dialler campaign.
List Name, also if dialled from a dialler campaign
Queue Name
Dial Status
Disposition Category
Financial Value
SIP Call: ID, unique call identifier.
Queue Summary
The Queue Summary report provides detailed information as to all aspects of a queue’s performance; these include:
Queue Type
Calls, being the total number of calls processed by this queue.
Answered, a number of calls answered.
Talk Time
Average Talk Time
Ring Time
Average Ring Time
Ring No Answer (RingNA)
Ring Do Not Disturb (RingDND)
Out of SLA
Short Abandons being calls that were abandoned within 5 seconds after entering the queue.
Early Hangup
Failed Contact
Scorecard Summaries
This report provides an overall view of the results of the scorecard and gives detailed information as to all aspects of a scorecard; these include
The Scorecard ID
Start date of the report
End date of the report
Assignments created for the scorecard including
Cancelled assignments.
The score of each scorecard per
Scorecard Agent Summaries
Scorecard Agent Summaries is a subset of the total scorecard summary, showing the performance of the subject. Details in this report include
Extension number
From Date meaning what date the report starts in,
To Date meaning what date the report ends on,
Assignments including those that are
The Score of the assignments.
Scorecard Reviewer Summaries
Scorecard Reviewer Summaries report shows all reviewers and their related details, which include:
The Reviewer Type
Reviewer ID
The start date of the report
The end date of the report.
Assignments given to the reviewer include
The score for each assignment.
Scorecard Questionare Results
Scorecard Questionare Reports is related to the details of the Questionare and filter options that were chosen to add an assignment. (Not sure if I am understanding this correctly. The columns in this report will )show:
The Extension user who is part of the call recording. This is the person who spoke to the client
Caller ID
Recording Date
Scorecard ID
Scorecard Name
Source where the call came from
Destination of the call
Direction of the call being inbound or outbound
The Disposition of the call
Outcome which is a category of the disposition
Unique ID
Assignment Date
Assignment ID
Review Date
Reviewer Type
Reviewer ID
Reviewer Name
Question ID
Answer chosen
Maximum Score
Score reached,
“Not Applicable“ answers.
Scorecard Rate History
Report columns are:
Scorecard ID
The Start date of the assignments
The end date of the assignments
Assignments created including those
Generalised Score for that scorecard.
Abandon Calls
This will be used to show which calls were abandoned and why. The report includes:
The time of the abandon
The queue the call was abandoned in,
The caller that abandoned the call
How long they waited before abandoning the call.
Selected reports can be sent via one of 2 delivery methods, which include the email address associated with this account, or SFTP, where it is possible to set the address and credentials for an SFTP server to where the file will be delivered to. This delivery method is often used for integration where the file is ingested into a system on the destination side. If the manager wants to use the SFTP options, the details need to be added first byselevting the Add SFTP Details button.
Reports can be set up to be delivered in the desired manner to the Manager on a specified schedule, for example, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. Once a frequency setting has been chosen the Advanced settings button allows the manager to specify this frequency even further. Blank reports will allow managers to receive a report, even when their has been no activity on the selected feature.
Once the automated report has been created a test can be sent to the manager.
The overfview of the Automater reports page shows all created reports including their name, frequency, Format and the buttons to edit and delete them.
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Analytics provides an in-depth view of the performance of each campaign. The main page offers an overview with filters that can be used to display dates and campaigns in their progress phases. The campaigns are shown in their dialer categories below.
For preview and power dialler campaigns, the details shown are:
The campaign's name.
The amount of contacts in the campaign.
The number of completed contacts: Meaning they have been dispositioned either as a success or failed contact.
The number of calls made, regardless of a completed disposition.
The calls in their disposition categories.
The agents on the campaign.
Auto dialer campaign overviews:
The campaign's name.
The amount of contacts in the campaign.
The number of calls made, regardless of a completed disposition.
The calls outcome categories.
This time period can be adjusted within the filter options. Analytics differs from Realtime here as it encompasses statistics for all campaigns and their member lists, not just those currently active. Selecting a campaign will provide a detailed report of its performance, whereas selecting a numerical option will show a report of the calls in that category, which will be covered later in this lesson.
Campaign Specific Statistics
Selecting a campaign from the main analytics page will open the statistics for that specific campaign. The page includes a filter section to change analytical information by date range.
The campaigns overview for preview and power dialler includes the number of calls, contacts, disposition statistics and target-related information. The autodialer analytics page overview includes the campaign name, contacts, number of calls, and call outcome categories. The auto-dialer campaigns are different from the preview and power dialer campaigns as no agents are assigned to them.
The preview and power dialer analytics include a progress pie chart that measures the completed value against the total numbers of contacts available, each call in a campaign should have an outcome, and every contact should be able to be completed, i.e. that it cannot be worked further. To the right, there is an outcomes graph that reflects the proportionate outcomes against the calls made; selecting a particular outcome will toggle the inclusion of that specific outcome category.
Note: A contact may have more than one number that can be dialled; thus, a failed number may not mean a failed contact.
The auto dialler campaign analytics includes a progress pie chart on the left that measures the completed calls against the total remaining calls to be made by the system. The pie chart to the right shows the number of announcements that were listened to in full versus those that were ended prematurely by contacts. Below the Campaign’s Lists, there is an outcomes graph that reflects the proportionate outcomes against the calls made.
Selecting a particular outcome on any of the charts will toggle the inclusion of that specific outcome category.
Campaign Agents Analytics
Within the campaign-specific statistics is a section focusing on the performance and productivity of agents within that campaign; this data is the same as is visible through agent analytics for the specific campaign. Within this table of agent campaign data, there should be two icons visible on the far right:
The star indicates that the agent made the most successful calls for that campaign in the time period chosen.
The flame indicates that the agent completed most calls for that campaign in the time period chosen.
All of the values in this section can be selected for further information. Selecting the agent name will bring up the agent analytics for that specific agent, whereas the values of Completed, Calls, Success etc. will bring up the calls related to the selected field, with the ability to listen to the call recording, if available, and see the relevant contact details.
Within the contact's details, the administrator can view the basic details, the contact status and the details of each call made to this contact. Call recordings are accessible, if available, as well as any notes.
Campaign Lists
It is also possible to view Campaign statistics about the lists that have been used. Bearing in mind that agents can be allocated to specific lists and not to the parent campaign, list statistics may be used to see how a particular segmentation of the campaign performed in relation to the whole. The statistics available are the same as the campaign level, with the ability to drill through to a selected list. This page looks almost identical to the parent campaign statistics page, with the exception that the data is particular to the selected list, and the page does not include a lists table.
Auto Dialler Campaign analytics include the list's information. List analytics may be used to see how a particular campaign segmentation performed in relation to the whole. The statistics available are the same as those at the campaign level, with the ability to drill through to a selected list. This page looks almost identical to the parent campaign analytics page, except that the data is particular to the selected list, and the page does not include a lists table.
Realtime Monitor
The purpose of the realtime pages is to allow the administrator to see a real-time view of what is happening on the PBX, with different pages focusing on specific aspects of current events.
Current Calls
The page will display all calls visible to the current user.
The “Stop Updating” button will stop the page from updating the current data, and “Originate Call” allows the administrator to select an extension and initiate a call from that extension to the desired number. This will ring the target extension and then start the dialling process.
If a manager wants to assess the call further, selecting the desired extension will bring up a tooltip showing the full details of that call, including a call back option, buttons for Whisper, Spy and Barge and a link to the Call Detail Records for that extension.The call back button allows for a call back to be created between colleagues.
Barge allows the administrator to be fully included in the call, with both of the original parties being able to hear them.
Whisper allows an administrator to listen to the conversation and speak to the person on the local extension, whilst the other party cannot hear the administrator. Managers often use this for coaching.
Spy enables the administrator to listen in on the call, with neither the original parties being aware nor hearing them.
Whisper, Spy and Barge is a feature that is enabled/disabled on the target extension. If this feature has been disabled, these buttons will not be available.
When the user selects the Extension Call Detail Records a new page will open. This page displays calls made to and from the specified extension. You can filter the search result using the option provided.
Realtime Extensions
The realtime extensions page shows the current status of extensions as well as their current latency. A latency measure of more than 200ms can indicate a poor connection, and call quality may suffer.
If an extension is online, a tooltip will be available when the extension is selected, showing an option to creat a call back, the server to which the extension is registered, buttons for Whisper, Spy, Barge and a link to the Call Detail Records for that extension.
The call back button allows for a call back to be created between colleagues.
When the user selects the Extension Call Detail Records a new page will open. This page displays calls made to and from the specified extension. You can filter the search result using the option provided.
Realtime Queues
Realtime Queues shows an overview of all queues available and is divided into Inbound and Outbound queues each showing aspects particular to their nature.
Inbound Queue Overview
When an inbound realtime queue is opened the first thing the user will notice is the queue parameters. This includes an overview of all the parameters and a breakdown of the que callers, connected members and full queue members.
The overview attributes available for Inbound queues include:
Waiting: The number of callers waiting,
Connected: The number of callers currently connected,
Avg. Hold Time: The average hold time,
Longest: The time the longest caller has been waiting,
Agents: Number of agents logged into this queue,
Paused: Agents in this queue currently paused,
Idle: Number of participants that are not on a call or paused,
Completed: The number of calls taken by agents in this queue today,
Abandoned: Calls that came into this queue and were not answered before the timeout of the queue was reached, or the caller abandoned the call.
Icon to open the queue Wallboard
Outbound Queue Overview
The overview attributes for an Outbound queue include some of which overlap with Inbound such as Connected, Agents, Paused, Idle, Completed, Abandoned and Wallboard icon. The attribute unique to Outbound is:
Avg Talk Time: The average talk time of calls that have been made.
Realtime Queue Wallboards
A wallboards is an overview of the queues information. They are designed to visually represent and communicate real-time data and insights, providing a quick and accessible way to monitor key metrics and performance. Some of the benefits of the wallboards are:
Increased Transparency: Wallboards promote transparency by making data readily available to teams. When everyone can see the same information, it fosters a shared understanding of goals, progress, and challenges
Motivation and Engagement: Displaying performance metrics in a visible and public manner can boost motivation and engagement among team members. It encourages healthy competition, goal alignment, and a sense of accomplishment as individuals and teams work toward targets.
Faster Problem Identification: Anomalies or issues in data patterns can be quickly identified on a wallboard. This allows teams to address problems promptly and avoid potential disruptions.
Efficient Communication: Wallboards serve as a centralized source of information, reducing the need for manual data sharing and frequent status updates. This promotes efficient communication and collaboration within teams.
Enhanced Accountability: Publicly displaying data on a wallboard can enhance individual and team accountability. When everyone can see progress or setbacks, it encourages responsible actions and fosters a sense of ownership
Realtime Inbound Queue Detailed
A more detailed queue specific page is available by selecting a queue in the main Realtime Queues page. The details in the summary bar on this page are particular to the nature of the queue (either Inbound or Outbound). Additionally, there is data on the disposition categories if enabled for this queue.
Inbound Queues have two additional tabs available on this page:
Enter Queue History: Showing a graph of the number of callers entering the queue per minute over the course of today.
Abandon Queue History: Showing the number of callers abandoning either through timeout or physically abandoning the call per minute today.
Underneath the summary bar is two elements that are populated by the status of calls currently in the queue:
The Queued Callers section will show any caller currently waiting in the queue, their position, and how long they have been waiting for.
The Connected Members section shows callers currently in this queue and to which agent, their current state and duration.
Realtime Outbound Queue Detailed
Outbound Realtime queues show the same details as the main page unless the queue has dispositions enabled, in which case it will display those details as well.
As in Inbound detailed realtime, the sections underneath the summary bar detail calls in waiting and connected state, but being Outbound is focused on the agent’s behaviour and not the other party.
Lastly, the section on both inbound and outbound detailed pages relates to the currently active members of the queue (either agent or participant), their status, duration of that state, penalty, number of calls, and the time of their last call in this current queue. Additionally, an administrator can log off an agent (possibly an agent who forgot to log off or has been idle for an extended period of time) or remove an agent from this queue entirely.
Note: Removing an agent from a queue is a permanent action; that agent will no longer be able to participate in queue calls until they are manually re-added to the queue.
The administrator can also add members to this queue here and show inactive members if they choose.
Lastly, selecting an agent from the table who is currently in a call will bring up a tooltip with Whisper, Barge and Spy options.
Spy The manager’s ability to listen to a conversation between the extension and caller and not be heard.
Whisper: The manager’s ability to speak to the extension holder in a call without the caller hearing them
Barge: The manager’s ability to speak to both the extension holder and the caller - to be involved in the call.
Realtime Campaigns
The Realtime campaigns page display shows an overview of all the currently active campaigns. Much like pages in Analytics, each value in the table can be selected for more details on the calls that match the selected value. Selecting a campaign name will present the detailed page with more information for that particular campaign.
Specific Realtime Campaign Statistics
The detailed campaign statistic pages seem much like the analytics pages with a summary bar and graphs for target progression and outcomes, although these values are specific to the currently active list and generally measure the campaign progress for today.
It is the area below this; however, that is particular to realtime campaigns. These two sections will show currently active campaign calls with the attending agent and the duration.
A table of active agents shows their performance in this campaign, as well as their current status and the duration of that state. As before, the values in the table are selectable for more details about those particular calls.
Realtime Dialler Status
Realtime dialler status is a troubleshooting submenu item particular to Power Dial campaigns; since the system will be dialling behind the scenes, it allows an administrator to determine if there are calls being dialled for a particular campaign or agent.
Realtime Conference
The Realtime Conference page displays any realtime conferences currently happening along with the participants, duration and conference room name. An administrator can lock the conference room, making it inaccessible to any further participants.
By selecting an active participant, a tooltip will enable the administrator to kick or mute the participant. The tooltip also indicates whether an extension is an admin or not, indicating whether this participant has elevated privileges and can perform admin-level actions within this conference.
Realtime Agents
The Realtime Agents page shows the current status of agents; this page is possibly the primary tool for Call Centre Managers/Team leaders to keep informed as to agents’ behaviour patterns. It is possible to filter by group, and even status, for convenience.
Agents are displayed in their nominated groups, with the following details:
Calls: The number of calls that the agent has received.
Call Time: This will show the duration of the call if the agent is in use.
Status: Displays the current state of the agent.
Details: Works in conjunction with the Status field, giving detail of the current state.
Duration: Also linked to Status, giving the duration of the current state.
Login Time: This will display what time the agent logged into the Agent Workspace initially today.
Pause status is a special state, with the colour of its icon depicting a variance. Blue pause icons indicate a productive pause, whilst a red icon indicates non-productive pauses. The colour of the duration timer is also relevant, as when an agent has gone over the threshold set, the duration timer will turn red.
Campaign Hold
Occasionally it may be necessary to have an agent be available to take or make manual calls whilst in a campaign; rather than removing the agent from the campaign and re-adding them, a special state of “Campaign Hold” was created. By selecting Status on the particular agent, a tooltip with an option to initiate a Campaign Hold is available, as well as the ability to Force Log Off.
When an agent is in this Campaign Hold state, the agent icon changes to a warning indicator, and they will not receive calls from a campaign, thus free to make or take a manual call.
When the administrator wishes to remove the Campaign Hold state, a similar process is followed.
In Connectivity, an administrator can view the current state of all ViBE tunnels. This display shows information regarding the following:
Calls: This shows the number of current calls against available licenses.
Quality: A representation of the line quality given the latency and jitter considerations. Should this be below 99.7%, users may experience call quality issues.
Latency: The measure of the time taken to traverse the link between the client site and the POP server.
Jitter: The measure of the variance observed in latency scores. The greater the variations, the more inconsistent the line’s performance, and more prone to quality issues.
Address: The current IP observed from the client router over this specific link.
Type: The type of access media being used, such as Fibre or LTE.
By selecting a particular link, a tooltip with more detailed information will be available.
Dialling Restrictions
Dialling Restrictions allow granular control over numbers that are allowed to be dialled from the platform. Dialling restrictions are created in the Dialling Restriction menu item in each of the relevant submenu item links, and are applied en masse there, but individually to extensions in the Extension Manager.
Block Lists
Block lists are lists of numbers that have been determined to be restricted and cannot be contacted.
Multiple block lists can exist, including the default block lists. These lists can include varying levels of restrictions and be applied separately to different extensions, thus allowing very granular control.
The system allows blocking a specific number or blocking entire number blocks by using wildcards; for example, adding * will indicate any number or amount of digits. With wildcards, either block restrictions can be applied, such as “all” with 0*, or specific prefixes can also be blocked, such as 02* or 06*.
When creating a block list, it is recommended to not use the tenant name as the name of a block list.
Within the block list table, the number of items in each list is visible, as well as the number of extensions currently assigned to that block list in their individual tabs.
Country Lists
Country lists allow for international dialling restrictions. Like block lists, it is possible to create specific lists or utilise the default ones. To allow destinations, simply make sure the particular prefix is enabled within the relevant country list. The TMS automatically updates when a country code is enabled/disabled.
Staff can be assigned to country lists by dragging and dropping the available member to the “Assigned” members column from the Assignments tab.
Note: When enabling the first country code on the first list (Canada), the entire Zone will be enabled as the country code strts with +1 and therefore, the rest will automatically be enabled.Ensure that countries with a high risk of Toll fraud are disabled unless explicitly required.
Allow Lists
Allow lists allow specific numbers to be dialled over and above restrictions placed by block lists and/or Country Codes (if international calling is allowed). This feature can be used to grant access to a specific number in a dialling range even though the dialling range is blocked. Allow lists numbers are tested against the entire number dialled or made use of the wildcard (*). To allow calling to any Cape Town number, enter 021*.
API & Integration
The Euphoria API (Application Programming Interface) is a web service that can be interacted with by other systems to achieve several tasks. Some of these tasks may be actions that the system can perform, such as dialling a number; or maybe retrieving certain information for use in another system like a CRM application (hereafter referred to as the “target system”). The uses and business cases of interacting with API’s are vast, but everything within the Euphoria platform is achieved via API, and this can, in turn, create some very meaningful applications for customers.
To achieve any level of integration between systems, both may need the ability to interact with each other via API, so find out what APIs the other system can offer before embarking on an integration project.
Integration is an advanced topic and may require assistance from developers or systems engineers to configure.
Note: System webhooks usage is restricted to extensions that have agent functionality enabled.
Integration Centre
The Integration Centre has two main uses:
To send data to another system, this may include numbers, call duration, attending agent or even call outcomes.
To query and retrieve information from the other system, often based on information available in the call, such as the number calling in or supplied by an agent, such as a reference/ticket number.
To converse with the other system, the Integration Centre allows the creation of “webhooks”. A webhook is essentially a way to talk to an API on the other system for processing (whatever that may involve), which means it needs to understand (and be configured for) how the API on the other system expects to interact.
To create webhooks, it is first necessary to create the ground rules for communication; these most often include parameters like authentication, and the particulars should be available in the documentation of the other system.
An administrator can create groups in the Integration Centre to allow multiple webhooks to use the same parameters.
When adding a group, an authentication type may need to be chosen. There are three authentication types:
None: This may be used if the target system does not support authentication or is using something like IP authentication.
API Key: A password.
Open OAuth 2: Is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used for allowing third-party applications to access resources on a user's behalf, without exposing their credentials. An example of this, is being able to sign up to a new website with Google credentials.
Credentials: A username and password.
Once the authentication type is selected, the level of authentication will need to be set. Authentication levels define whether the authentication will be on a per-user basis or global.
Global: A single set of credentials is used for all interaction with the target system.
User: Each user interaction with the target system will require individual credentials. A “Members” button will show up next to the group to allow the configuration of each individual set of credentials.
Members can be selected from the list of extensions that have been enabled as agents. Each member will need to have been allocated an API key/Credentials that the target system has provided.
The format of the webhook will depend on the target system. When creating a webhook, several fields need to be considered and chosen.
Name: Used to identify the webhook; it is useful to make this descriptive.
Webhook Type:
Browser Window: Goes directly to the URL given by the target system, like opening a new tab).
AJAX Get: Preferred when reading information. Data is sent in the background, i.e. the agent will not see the action occur.
AJAX Post: Same as “get”; however it is used to insert info.
AJAX Put: Same as “get”; however it is used to update.
AJAX Delete: Same as “get”; however it is used to delete info.
Both browser window and AJAX Get: Triggers both browser window new tab and Ajax get.
Webhook Data Type:
URL: The location of the web service on the target system, including page name.
JOSN: (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.
XML: (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents.
Response Type: How the target system wants the response to be handled.
URL: The location of the web service on the target system, including page name.
Parameters: Data that will be sent to the target system, including variable names to identify components. These variables should be detailed in the target system’s documentation. Multiple variables and their accompanying parameters can be set by selecting the “+” button to add additional lines.
Test Value: To test whether the target system responds as expected, test values may be set to gauge responses.
Webhook Variables/Dynamic Parameters
Dynamic Parameters can be added when selecting the add request parameter button. These variables are found in the target system’s API documentation.
Once all parameters have been chosen and set, press the “Test and Configure” button, test values that have been set are sent to the target system, and the result is displayed. Often the result may contain many fields that are not essential to the current objective; by selecting checkboxes at the head of each column, the view presented to the agent can be configured.
When selecting the “Agent View”, a manager will be able to view what the agent will see as the end result.
Note: Webhooks can not be deleted if in use.
API Manager
As described in the previous section, the Euphoria platform is controlled entirely by API actions; a customer may wish to interact directly with some of these actions from a platform outside of the TMS. Documentation on these actions is available, and the objectives should be discussed beforehand.
The API Manager page simply creates and manages API keys to be used by the other system in such inter-system communication.
API Monitoring
API Monitoring page is an audit log of API actions, including the date, user that initiated the API call, the action name that was called, and the duration it ran for. This information can be used for diagnostic purposes and can be filtered by date range or action name.
Downloads & Tools
Downloads and tools are there to assist with the day-to-day use of the TMS account and give options to download applications that allow access to functionality not available on the TMS.
The tools include Windows applications, development applications, Chrome extensions and information about our Mobile application that can be found on the Apple Store and Google's Play Store.
Each application has a description setup instructions, computer requirements, and the size and type of file.
Windows Applications
Call Recordings Manager
The Call Recordings Manager is an application to view all call recordings company-wide. It's designed to be quick and as convenient as using the TMS. A user can use it to search call recordings and play the files directly from the cloud, dependent on the user’s permissions.
Files can be downloaded to a local folder either one by one or as a bulk selection over a period of time. Once downloaded, the file is authenticated and is available for long term storage. As call recordings have a complicated file name, the application automatically changes the file name to the date and time of the call recording in the local file where the downloaded file is stored.
To use the application log into the application and ensure the correct tenant is chosen. This will be the same as your TMS account Tenant, Tenant options will only be available once the user is logged in to the Soft Phone Applications.
Once the settings have been applied, call recordings can be viewed by choosing a date range.
Click on display to see all available recordings .A filter excludes a range of call recordings
based on their duration. For example, to exclude all recordings below 60 seconds, add 60 into the filter and click apply.
The “Newer” and “Older” buttons can be used to page through the dataset of records if the number of records retrieved is greater than the page size set by the user in the application settings.
Within the view, several columns can be seen:
The direction of the call (Inbound or outbound)
The call date and time
Whether the call was flagged: Flagged means that a user who has access to flagging has marked a call recording as important to be listened to.
The source: Where the call came from if outbound the caller's number and if inbound the extension number.
Destination: This is the inbound queue or campaign, outbound will be the number the company contacted.
Call duration
The size of the call recording
If the Call is Authentic: All calls are encrypted at creation, and hence are able to prove that they are unaltered. The IS Authentic value is verified by running the files MD5 code thru an MD% algorithm, if it matches, then it is Authentic.
What the file name is of the Call recording
Call recordings can be viewed before they are downloaded:
After the data has been fetched and is visible in the main grid, click on the "View Download Report " button to view a breakdown of what the current record set contains
A list of duplicate records (if any) will be visible, along with the number of times the file is repeated. When a file is repeated, the amount of copies will be shown with a number at the end of the recording name; however, only one copy will be downloaded.
This is because some of the PBX’s have recordings that are added on a call when it is transferred, forwarded, etc. In this case, there would be a file record written for each leg of the call but with the same file name.
Total Unique Duplicate Records: The number of files that have one or more instances.
Total Duplicate Records: This shows the total number of files with their copies.
Total Unique Records: The list of files that are eligible to be downloaded once the copies have been identified.
Assuming the download process is successful (This could be interrupted due to a power outage or network interruptions etc.). This value should also correspond with the number of downloaded files in the target folder on your laptop or PC.
Either download a singular recording or download all recordings displayed by clicking on the “Download” or “Download All” button. These recordings will be saved in the folder chosen during Setup.
When several call recordings are chosen to be downloaded, the secondary section of the window will show:
The Unique ID of the call recording.
The file name of the call recording.
The progress of the download.
How many recordings have been found - Bottom left corner (Not to be confused with the amount of recordings to be shown per page)
How many have been downloaded, and how many, if any, have failed and duplicated in downloading.
When the files have been downloaded, but the selection needs to be adjusted, the “Over Write Existing” button can be ticked to ensure copies are not downloaded, but that the file on the PC or laptop is just adjusted.
Once files are downloaded they are saved on the laptop or PC as per the application settings and the downloaded records is written to a CSV file, which is then saved in the same location as the downloaded files. The file name is a combination of the date and time when the download operation completed with a CSV extension.
Euphoria Advance SoftPhone
The Advanced Softphone (EAS) is an all-in-one agent application. The EAS was originally designed as an upgrade to the Agent Queue Manager, but has evolved to cater for almost any agent/staff member activity.
This application contains:
A Personal Queue Manager
Personal CDR Inspector (including CRM Tagging and Call Recording downloads)
Personal Address Book
Extension Inspector (read-only)
An integrated Softphone
A built in API Adapter and Push Notifications Client, allowing for full CRM integration.
A member can manage themselves in their own Queues. Pauses can be used and the information is logged against the database. As this is an agent tool, the member does not have any management abilities, and cannot manage another members
Help and Support
Help and Support Tools
The forum option will take the user directly to the Euphoria support portal. Here any questions can be posed, and an agent will get back to the user as soon as possible.
The contact option has Euphoria’s contact number and email address if needed,
The Tutorials Option will take the user to the Euphoria Youtube channel, where videos are posted on how the system works, new information about Euphoria as a company and sponsored events.
Call Diagnostics
Call diagnostics is a call simulator tool. It allows the user to enter a number and simulate a call to ensure the call is allowed. If the number fails or is disallowed, the system will show the user exactly what happened. This is helpful for diagnosing issues related to dialling restrictions for example.
Scoring is the ability to create and use a questionnaire to gather information on a topic. The information will, in turn, provide insight depending on the use case of the scorecard, To fully understand the scoring module, it is necessary to understand the Use cases, Terminology and Roles.
Use Cases for Scorecards
Scorecards can be used for internal and external use cases. The Scorecards options for the use cases are:
Quality Assurance
Telephonic Surveys
Scorecards can have different attributes depending on their use case, and these differences can be described in various ways.
The topic is the purpose of the scorecard. Whilst generic scorecards are possible, it is often important to the desired reporting to split scorecards into particular topics. For instance, instead of having one scorecard for a company and creating sections per department, a creator would create a scorecard per department with generic questions. The analyst (reporter role) can then compare the scorecards for the different departments.
Scorecard Subjects
A scorecard may sometimes assess something or someone in particular, such as a performance review or a QA assessment. The person or object that the scorecard is about is referred to as the scorecard subject.
Attachments to a scorecard allow additional information to be provided to the reviewer and are provided in two ways. A permanent attachment is attached on the creation of a scorecard and is a constant addition, i.e. it is always there with the scorecard. Permanent attachments can be used for cases like a product information dissemination, where the attachment can provide information about a product. Permanent attachments can be at a scorecard, section or question level, but these attachments remain static and are included every time the scorecard is reviewed. Permanent attachment are not immutable however, they can be changed if the scorecard is edited.
Assignment attachments are added at the time of assignment. They are used so that a single scorecard can be used for cases such as Quality Assurance, where the scorecard remains the same, but the call recording changes, hence the subject of the review.
Examples for each Use Case:
Quality Assurance
Allows reviewers to rate an agent's call recording, which is added as an attachment, against a predefined scorecard to ensure company standards are followed. The reviewer would be a manager or QA personnel in this case. By choosing an attachment - the subject is implied.
Telephonic Surveys
Telephonic surveys use DTMF tones (telephone keypad input) from the reviewer to answer the recorded questions. When a client listens to the survey questions they will have 3 chances to answer a question with a valid option, if no valid option is given then the survey will end.
A recorded audio questionnaire is added to a scorecard to rate a person, system or product. These can be used for service surveys such as when an agent completes a conversation with a caller, they can ask the caller to complete the telephonic survey and rate their service.
There are four roles within the scoring module being Creator, Assigner, Reviewer, and Reporter. A single user may have one or more of these roles assigned to them. It is not necessary for a user to have all four roles unless required for their function.
Creator: Creates the scorecard and adds the questions.
Assigner: Assigns scorecards to the people who will complete them.
Reviewer: A person who completes the scorecard
Reporter: Person who reviews the completed scorecards and the data this produces.
A manager can create a scorecard with multiple sections and questions. When creating a scorecard, a few details are required:
Scorecard Name.
An optional description provides further details about the scorecard.
The type will ask what use case the scorecard is being used for, and this will affect other options for the scorecard, for instance:
Quality Assurance Scorecard
Telephonic Survey Scorecard
Assignment Expiry sets a reviewer's duration to complete an assignment and only affects the Quality Assurance scorecard.
Once a scorecard is created, it is possible to then create sections within to potentially group questions of a similar nature, such as when evaluating different criteria. Question setup will differ depending on the type of scorecard set up; for example, a telephonic survey allows the creator to add a recording/attachment in the introduction and in every question created.
There are two answer options when creating questions for a quality assurance scorecard:
Multiple Choice: A reviewer can only choose one option.
Checkboxes: A reviewer can choose multiple options.
Telephonic surveys use DTMF tones (telephone keypad input) from the reviewer to answer the recorded questions. When a clients listens to the survey questions they will have 3 changes to answer a question. When the client does not select an option or selects an invalid option 3 times the call will be ended.
It is possible to have questions that may not be applicable sometimes and, as such, would be answered as Not Applicable. This is particularly useful, for example, when measuring compliance. In this situation, answering no could penalise the agent’s overall score. In this case, selecting Not Applicable will discount that question entirely, and, for example, the section that previously was possibly scored out of 6 would now only be considered scored out of 5.
The scorecard sections will reflect the total maximum score as questions are added. Once created, it is possible to edit, delete, or add questions by clicking on the appropriate icon in the section header. Once all the required sections and their questions have been added, the Preview button will show what the scorecard will look like to the reviewer.
Reviewer Groups
A reviewer will only have access to review a scorecard when it has been assigned to them. This happens either as a manual assignment process by an Assigner or automatically such as when an agent transfers a call to a Telephonic surveys via a feature code.
Internal assignments can happen in two ways, which allow for individual or bulk assignments to be done. To add multiple reviewers to multiple recordings, reviewer groups have been created.
Groups can be created for ease of management and assignments. There is no limit to the number of reviewers that can be added to a group. Groups are also useful in such circumstances as when using the scoring module to disseminate new product information.
Individual reviewers and reviewers in groups will be chosen depending on the type of scorecard that has been created:
Quality Assurance Reviewer: Extension users and managers of a company who have the Reviewer role enabled are able to reviewer scorecards assigned to them.
Telephonic Survey Reviewer: This could be an internal or external caller who is transferred to the survey, as such, Reviewer Groups have no impact on these. Reviewer groups are seen in the Bulk Assignment section, where two options to assign to a group are available. These will affect the number of reviewers required to complete the assigned scorecard.
All: All group members are required to fill in the assigned scorecard.
First come, First Serve: The assignment will appear to all members of the group until such time as someone starts it, at which point it will not be available to other group members anymore.
When creating an assignment, available reviewers will be shown, and depending on the scorecard type, subjects and attachments will need to be selected.
A pop-up will let the manager choose the desired attachment. In the case of QA scorecards, filter options allow for a specific recording to be added to the reviewer and allow the assigner to specify the extension, queue, disposition or call outcome to search for the desired subject and attachment.
A notification will let the manager know the assignment has been completed and is available for the reviewer in their pending menu item.
Bulk Assignment
The Bulk assignments page allows multiple assignments to be created at once. For QA-type assignments, this is done by selecting multiple attachments at once. For each attachment selected, an assignment is created.
Various search criteria allow the displayed attachments to be filtered to a desired set. These criteria include the extension, dates, queue and campaign options, disposition filter and outcome options.
Once the desired selections have been made, clicking the Assign button will continue to the next step of the process, selecting reviewers.
When assigning reviewers, the scorecard is selected first, and then individual or group of reviewers.
The assignments page allows managers/assigners to view the details of all scorecards that have been assigned, including the assignment date, the reviewer, the scorecard and the status. A manager is also able to cancel assignments here.
From the pending page, reviewers can see their outstanding or incomplete assignments listed from oldest to newest by their assignment date. A warning will appear once an assignment approaches its expiry date.
The Reports page requires the user to have the reporter role and is different from other information pages previously seen. The filters include a View option, which changes the perspective of the report and its use case. Changing the view will also affect what filters are available.
The Scorecard view is the topics view. It gives the reporter an overall view of the results of the scorecard and allows for a particular scorecard to be selected. This would be used in a case where the scorecard is perhaps being used to disseminate or gather information, such as a new product release or a survey when an overall perspective of how reviewers performed on a particular scorecard is required.
The Reviewer view allows reporters to see how a particular reviewer might score over time or compare them to other reviewers. A use case for this could be to compare reviewers to see if one reviewer is more critical than another.
The Agent (subject) view is useful in measuring the performance of the subject. Use cases include performance reviews, compliance targets, or understanding how the subject has absorbed new product information.
Reports and their filters will adjust depending on the assignment type. Quality Assurance and Telephonic Survey assignments will be able to show reports for Reviewers, Subjects and Scorecard.
The overview of reports shows a number of details, including the scorecard name, how many assignments were created for the scorecard, how many assignments were completed, incomplete assignments awaiting review, and expired and cancelled assignments. Lastly, the overview shows the percentage of assignments completed. This overview can be exported and/or delved into further by selecting a report.
From inside an individual report, filter options are available again, as in the overview. This will allow the reporter to view other reports without having to go back to the main page. Below the filters, the reporter can see the individual assignments, the reviewer who did the assignment and their extension number. The score of the assignment and action section are tabs to allow the reporter to play a recording, see the results of the particular assignment and view the scorecard.
The Results option in the action tabs opens a new page.
The attachment details are seen below; the overview of this assignment shows the following information:
Date: The date of the recording.
Direction: Whether the call was inbound or outbound.
Source: What number the call came from.
Destination: Where the call went.
Size: The size of the call recording.
Agent: The person to whom the caller spoke or the person who called out from the company.
Disposition: The reporting result of what happened to the call
Outcome: The detail of the reporting result.
Below is the completed scorecard. The sections can be opened, and the score for each question can be seen. Alternatively, the questionnaire can be opened from this page with the View Questionnaire button.
On the questionnaire page, the options chosen can be seen, and the recording can be listened to.
The reviewer's notes will be visible at the bottom of the results and questionnaire pages.
Extension Level Menu Items.
Browser Phone (Applications)
The Browser phone can be used by any extension user that has a TMS Login. The browser phone acts as a desktop phone when a desk phone is not used/available. The extension user can set their status, how to answer a call and change the settings of the ring volume and chime.
This page contains the extensions voicemail message recordings. Once the user has listened to the messages, they can delete the files. Voicemails can be set to forward voice messages to email, whereafter they will be deleted automatically.
Contacts (Address Book)
The Address book is a compilation of the extension users contacts. This can be viewed in list or tile format. Contacts stored here will appear in outbound reporting. These contacts also appear in the software phone. Some contacts are shared, allowing other members in the same PBX account to see the same contacts. New contacts can be added and
Agent Workspace
The Agent workspace is not part of an administrator’s view but forms an essential part of the TMS. This is where a high productivity user will work from and requires an extension enabled as an agent.
The main reasons for enabling agent extensions are Time & Attendance; Productivity, and Workforce Management features and reporting.
This section is for users that the business wants to be highly productive and for whom communication is an essential part of their role; however, these users do not need to be part of a call centre. The features around th agent/ high productivity user role are designed to encourage and enhance their productivity and allow their performance to be monitored and reported on.
Queue membership, is part of, but not lomited to agents. Any extension can have the queues feature enabled (some extension types do by default) whilst not having the full advanced analytics; these extensions are termed “participants” and do not have the same statistics and functionality as agents.
Agent vs Participant
Below are detailed a few of the differences between an agent and a participant:
Agent Activation
For an extension to be an agent, it must have the Agent Extensions or Queue Agent Analytics activated. Then, the functionality should be enabled on the “Agent” tab within the extension using Extension Manager.
If the feature is not enabled, there will be an error message as such:
When the feature has been activated but not yet enabled, the Agent tab will display such:
Once the agent has been enabled, the Agent tab will reflect so:
It is essential to set an outbound queue for an agent; otherwise, they will not be permitted to make such calls. This is because without the queue being nominated, it is impossible to log the statistics of these calls.
External Client/WebRTC
To log in to the Agent Workspace, the agent will need a phone engine to transport the calls between the workspace and the server. Two such engines are available, the External Client or WebRTC.
The External Client is recommended to use, if possible. Refer to The External Client Troubleshooting section in the How to Guide if need be.
Status Toolbar
The Agent Workspace is an environment designed for agents to work quickly and efficiently; it is broken up into various sections with the status toolbar at the top of the window. This toolbar will change contents according to the current situation.
On the left-hand side, it will indicate the agent’s current status and the duration of this state. Next to that is the dialpad button, which will enable an agent to make a manual outbound call. It is important to note that the buttons available to the agent will depend on the permissions set for that extension on the agent tab.
At idle, the status toolbar will offer some buttons on the right-hand side of the toolbar, including:
The pause button enables the agent to enter a pause state; this will mean that they will not receive calls whilst this state persists. The agent’s state will change in the status toolbar, as well as in the Realtime Agents page, and any Realtime Queues or Campaigns that they are members of.
When pausing, the agent must select the appropriate pause reason. This reason will be displayed next to the status indicator whilst paused, as well as a timer of the duration that this pause has been in effect.
The duration and details of all pauses taken by the agent are available in Agent Analytics pages, as well as automated reports for the administrator’s use.
The dialpad button is not available during a pause, as an agent may not make nor receive calls whilst paused.
Agent Logon/Logoff
An agent should log on to the Agent Workspace at the beginning of the work day and log off when they have completed their workday. Agents should not use the log on as a pause as this will report inaccurate information. All information is available in a time and attendance report as well as a login summary in Agent Analytics.
Agent Mappings
Agent mapping enables an agent to see if they have leads available for them. This is a diagnostic tool to be used if an agent is not receiving calls and expects to.
The mappings will list any contacts available for any campaigns the agent is currently assigned to and show them in the lists currently active and lastly if assigned or unassigned leads. Assigned leads being that this agent is specified to receive them, or unassigned as in a pool of leads with no agent specified, so they are available to anyone.
Suppose an administrator has selected for Auto Answer to be “Optional” within an extension’s agent settings. In that case, the Settings button will produce a window that allows the agent to set Auto Answer on or off.
Auto Answer is an easy way to improve productivity, but an agent should be notified of it and be ready for the call. There is an audio beep to inform the agent of an incoming call just before connection to avoid awkward situations.
Performance Toolbar
The Agent Workspace is designed to give the agent maximum productivity and help them achieve the performance targets set out for them each day. To do this, it is important that they know their expectations and how they are performing in relation to these.
The performance toolbar that shows between calls when an agent is idle will display key performance indicators linked to calls and call outcomes. Besides “Calls”, these will only be populated by calls that have been dispositioned. Dispositions are set up within campaigns or queues. The available options will depend on how the call came to the agent, i.e. if this was a call from a campaign, then the campaign dispositions will be available for selection on disposition; if this call came from a queue and dispositions have been enabled for that queue. Those will be the ones available for selection.
Calls: The total number of calls that the agent has performed today.
Successful Calls
Unsure Calls
Failed Numbers: As it is impossible for a call made either manually outbound or inbound via a queue to have more than one number associated with it, Failed Numbers will only be populated from campaigns.
Failed Contacts
Most Recent Activity
The Most Recent Activity section enables an agent to view all information about recent calls, including the date and time of the call, the number dialled, the disposition category (status) and outcome, as well as any notes that have been made during the call and CRM Tags.
This history allows an agent to also redial a contact by selecting the number.
Within the contact column, each call will have an icon next to it. These icons represent the direction and function of a call:
Alternatively, suppose there is an incomplete disposition for any reason, such as a break in connectivity. In that case, the incomplete link will also show within the Most Recent Activity area and allow for an agent to select it and complete the disposition.
Dialling Activities within Agent Workspace
When selecting the dialpad button in the status toolbar, a dialpad box will appear to enable the agent to begin dialling.
A directory lookup will be conducted to search extensions and entries in the directory for matches while typing a name or number. Extensions that match will also display their status, for example, idle or offline.
If an entry is selected, it will populate the number into the dialpad; select the dial button to initiate dialling.
When a call is in progress, the status bar will update accordingly and display several call control buttons. Which buttons are present will depend on the configuration on the agent tab in the extension settings. Below the Performance Toolbar, there is an area in which any additional information regarding the call is displayed.
If everything has been permitted, then these controls will be available:
Dialpad - to allow for DTMF input if necessary
Volume control
Call Transfers
When transferring a call, the input does a similar lookup as on dial, allowing the agent to tell if the destination is available before transferring to them. The Transfer window also enables the agent to decide whether this transfer will be an “Attended Transfer”, meaning that the agent will speak to the recipient before transferring the call through, or a “Blind Transfer” where the call is transferred with no communication between the agent and the recipient. The “Call First” button enables Attended Transfers, whilst the “Transfer Now” button is for Blind Transfers.
When connecting an Attended transfer, an additional confirmation will appear within the Transfer window, allowing to confirm the transfer or terminate it.
Adding a Line
Whilst on a call, an agent may need to pick up another line for purposes of a second call or conferencing. Whilst on call, if the line (+) button is selected, an additional dialpad will appear, allowing for another number to be dialled.
Once the number has connected, two lines will be identifiable beneath the status toolbar, and by clicking on a line, the agent can toggle between them. The line currently not connected to the agent is placed on hold.
When one of the lines is terminated, the other remains but in a hold state. The agent can resume the call by selecting the Hold button.
When an agent is on a call, a secondary number can be called by clicking on the + icon. Both callers can then be added to a conference call by Clicking on the Conference icon. Conferencing is not available on WebRTC currently.
Campaign Dialling
When an agent uses the agent workspace for a campaign, if a script was defined in the campaign setup, it will appear in an area below the Performance Toolbar and above the call information. The call information area is populated with the information provided in the list and any custom fields that were defined in the campaign.
The right-hand side of the Call Information area is used for any In-Call webhook buttons and the “Add New Customer” and “Edit Customer Information” if they have been enabled for the campaign. There are also inputs for CRM tags or notes whilst the agent is on the call. Any information entered here will pull through to the disposition window that appears at the end of the call.
Editing Existing Contacts
Whilst in the call, should the agent select the “Edit” button, a pop-up window with the current contact information will be presented, allowing the agent to modify existing data or adding to it, for example, adding an alternative number.
When additional numbers are added to a Preview campaign list, they will be prioritised as the next number to be dialled.Additional numbers added to a Power Dial campaign will only be dialled when the list cycles.
Add a New Customer
Like Edit, an agent can add a new contact to the list whilst in a call if allowed in the campaign settings. Selecting the “Add New Customer” button will bring up a screen to add the details. Multiple numbers can be added with the use of the Add (+) button. Adding new contacts defaults to the current list.
When additional contacts are added to a Preview campaign list, they will be prioritised as the next contact to be dialled.
Additional numbers added to a Power Dial campaign will only be dialled when the list cycles.
Dispositioning Calls
After a call, an agent will be required to report on the call’s outcome; this is referred to as Dispositioning. To make this as flexible as possible for clients’ reporting requirements and as easy as possible for agents, the first selection is the disposition category, being Fail, Unsure or Success. The Call Outcome dropdown will then be populated according to that category as is configured within the campaign (or queue) settings.
Any notes or CRM tags captured during the call will populate automatically on this screen; alternatively, they can be captured at this point.
While the agent performs this wrapup, they will automatically be paused in the state “Wrapup”, a system pause state and is considered a productive pause. Wrapup has a timeout value, which, if it runs out, will submit a disposition of “Unsure - No agent submission” on behalf of the agent.
An agent TMS Account automatically gets logged off at 12 pm at night.