The header shows the account holder's name, a control to switch accounts, the network status and a help menu. Clicking on the profile icon will provide a menu with the options to edit their profile details and image, to reset their password or to log out of the TMS.
The account switching control gives the user the option to change from one account to another if they have more than one attached to this login. For example, if a user has a manager and an extension account, they are able to switch between them.
Article Related “How To” Document Links:
Resetting Your TMS Password
Collapsable Menu
On the right of the screen is the collapsable menu list with all the features available to an account holder. These menu items can be opened to show sub-menu items. When a menu item is chosen, it will open as a content tab with a content window showing information.
Content Tabs
Content tabs are opened when a sub-menu item is chosen. What is important to note is that the dashboard will become available as a content tab, and the user can choose any content tab that is open and be redirected back to that content window without first closing other tabs.
Content Window
The content window is where all the information on the submenu item is shown. In most of the content windows, a Filter and Export Options is available at the top. Certain pages can be exported or printed - this function is available in the “Options” dropdown. The Options dropdown may also include advanced filters where information criteria can be specified.
Once the filter options have been chosen, the information will be shown as overviews, lists etc. Some content windows have the option to create or delete information, whilst others have the option to delve deeper into the details of line items.
TMS Dashboard
The TMS Dashboard provides an intuitive and easy-to-use control panel to manage different aspects of an account. Dashboard options will differ depending on the account type (PBX admin, manager, or extension user), as will the elements displayed. When a PBX admin opens the dashboard, a cumulative history of outgoing calls, incoming calls and company costs are shown. RICA status is displayed and can be updated on the dashboard by adding the information required in the “Change RICA Documents” tab. Basic billing details and the most recent activity across the entire company are also shown.
When an extension account is opened, the registration status, line latency (the time in milliseconds that it takes for a data packet to travel from the phone to the server), and live IP address of an extension is shown.
Feature and Permissions
The TMS works feature and is permission-based. Features are the menu items and sub-menu items available in the TMS, whereas permissions allow an account holder to use the features.
There are 2 types of features. Platform and Extension-based Features. Platform features are inherent to the platform. They provide a lot of the supporting architecture and structure to the features that are utilised by the end-user at an extension level. They also support the behaviour of the platform and the reporting of telephony activities. Extension features are used by individual extensions and are not activated by default for all extensions.
Platform features are categorised into three types: Behavioural, Administrative and Managerial, each of which is explained in its own section below.This link will take the reader to the full features and benefits document: Euphoria Platform - Features and Benefits
Behavioural Features
Behavioural Features define how the phone system environment behaves and control elements such as call flow through IVRs, Huntlists, Inbound Route management, Music on Hold, and so much more.
Administrative Features
Administrative platform features allow for the management and maintenance of the platform itself. They are mostly geared towards configuration management and general support of users and are predominantly technical or financial.
Managerial Features
Managerial features are the platform's components geared towards those in management roles and are predominantly focused on information gathering and reporting.