Analytics pages give the administrators insights into various facets of call behaviour, allowing an in-depth understanding of call patterns.
Agent Analytics
For a fuller understanding of the difference between Agents and Participants, please refer to the chapter on the Agent Workspace; the features enabled on an extension will define whether an extension can be an agent.
Agent analytics provide an in-depth view of the performance of each agent or participant. The main page offers a view with filters that an administrator can use to display groups, a particular extension in this summary view, or all extensions regardless of queue participation.
The overview shows a number of details including the number of queues an agent is engaged in, the total calls answered or missed, and the average call times. Selecting an agent will provide a detailed report on their performance.
An agent’s detailed view will incorporate time and attendance reporting, such as a login summary, a pause summary by date, and a pause summary by reason. It is possible to select a date and see a detailed breakdown of each event during that day.
A breakdown of agent call performance per queue is available and should disposition be enabled on those queues, a summary of those per queue as well. Every item in blue in this report is selectable for more detail on that specific item; for example, for a list of answered calls in a particular queue, it is possible to select the Answered value of that queue, and those details will be displayed in a new tab.
When an agent’s call recordings have been reviewed as part of a scoring module assignment, the Scoring summary will be present in the agent analytics.
When a singular day's information is requested, the report will show the Scorecards per assignment, but when multiple days are requested a chart will show the scorecards in date range, depending on how large the date range is (Day, Weeks, Months Etc). Different Scorecards will be presented in colour-coded columns.
A participant’s detailed view only shows their breakdown of activity, i.e. a list of calls and pauses per queue during today by default.
Articles Related “How To” Document Links:
How to View All Agent Analytics.
How to View Individual Agents Analytics.