- Platform Features
- Extension Feature Definition
- Call channels
- Additional Registration
- Administrative groups
- Advanced Analytics
- Agent Workspace
- Blocking
- Browser Phone
- Budgeting
- Call History
- Call Recording
- Dialler Campaigns
- Dialling Restrictions
- Outcome Management
- Dynamic and Scheduled Callbacks
- Euphoria Advanced Softphone
- Event-driven Webhooks for Integration
- Find Me/Follow Me
- Forwarding
- Global Contacts
- Call channels
- Extension Types
The Euphoria Cloud Telephony platform is a feature-rich business phone system environment that gives users advanced control and reporting capabilities.
This document sets out the main features of the platform itself, their applications and the benefits to the user. It then details the features available at an extension level, and their respective applications and benefits.
Euphoria’s Cloud Telephony is cloud-based, which means it is remotely configurable and manageable. Its management platform - the Euphoria Telephony Management System - puts power back into the hands of the customer to manage and report on their own telephony needs and use to a great extent. This is in contrast to on-premises (on-prem) telephone systems which require call-outs from support staff when things are to be changed or repaired, which incurs delays and costs for the customer.
A further benefit to having a cloud-based system is that the system is inherently location agnostic, which means that users can access the system from anywhere, physically. This provides two direct benefits. Firstly, being able to work remotely with no specialised equipment or configuration. Secondly, businesses with multiple sites or branches can all utilise a single system. This delivers cost savings as internal calls between branches or locations are free, and means the business can leverage operational efficiencies.
Platform Features
These features are inherent to the platform. They provide a lot of the supporting architecture and structure to the features that are utilised by the end-user at an extension level. They also support the behaviour of the platform and the reporting of telephony activities.
Platform features are categorised into three types: Behavioural, Administrative and Managerial, each of which is explained in its own section below.
Behavioural Features
Behavioural Features define how the phone system environment behaves, and control elements such as call flow.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
IVR is a platform feature that allows a caller to interact with the system, giving them choices as to how to proceed. This is normally done in the form of call routing, for example, “Press ‘1’ for Sales”, and the system will execute the action associated with that selection.
The benefit of IVR is that it allows for callers to be routed to appropriate destinations or departments without having to wait for or interact with a receptionist. This is particularly effective for businesses that experience large call volumes, removing potential wait times and delays for callers.
Hunt lists
Hunt lists are a defined series of actions (such as ‘Play this message’, or ‘Go to the Sales Queue’) that execute in a pre-defined order. The benefit of huntlists touches on many aspects of a business - including communicating its brand values and helping to deliver excellent customer experiences. For example, they can be used to play a welcome message, or make sure that calls are answered or escalated with defined timeframes.
Inbound Route Management
Inbound Route Management bridges the gap between schedules, telephone numbers and the actions that the company would like the call to follow. It allows the business to specify how calls should be handled at different times, for example during normal work hours, after hours or on public holidays.
The benefit of automated route management is that it is not reliant on an operator (such as a receptionist) who may be late or sick sometimes. It allows the business to define the hours of operation as it sees fit and have calls flow accordingly.
Queue Management
Call queues are an essential part of managing callers and their experience. Queues allow callers to hold if there isn’t someone immediately available to service their call, to distribute callers across a team of people. Because queues operate off of events that happen within the call, for example, a caller entered the queue a by-product is that they provide statistics and allow for tracing functionality, i.e. we are able to see what happened with a call step by step.
Conference rooms
Conference rooms provide a facility for you to host multiple participants on a call. Functionality includes the ability to assign a call chairperson and to mute participants. This is useful if the business wants to keep a central record of the discussion, and the recording of it if needed.
Feature Codes
Feature Codes, also known as “Short Codes”, give users a short numeric code to use to perform an action, like a shortcut. This saves users’ time redialling things like phone numbers which they use often. It can also be used to obscure the destination of a call. This is useful for managers, for example, who do not want the team to have their personal number but still need to be reachable.
Voice Recording
Voice recordings are used in several ways, and often convey important messages about the company or its products to the caller.
Messages can be added on the fly, which allows a company to be agile and record and load tailored messages around special events or public holidays.
Music on Hold
Music on Hold allows a company to add or change the music that plays when callers are either on hold in a queue or when an attendant places a caller on hold. This is often used to promote business messages and is part of the company’s public face and image.
Pickup groups
Pickup groups enable team members to retrieve calls that are ringing on another extension if that team member is unable to answer the call. This means that calls will not be missed if people are away or unable to pick up for any reason.
Parking lots
Parking lots allow calls to be “parked”, i.e. put into a waiting area and then retrieved for another extension. This is useful to companies that have team members who may not necessarily be at their desk, by enabling them to retrieve calls intended for them at any extension.
Global CallerID
Being able to specify a caller-ID for the company is beneficial to businesses that wish their number to be recognisable and also offers anonymity to team members making external calls. Not presenting any caller ID, i.e. an anonymous or private number, is also possible.
Dynamic and Scheduled Callbacks
Dynamic callbacks allow you to ask another user to call back if they are currently on the phone. The system will automatically place the return call when the call recipient hangs up.
Scheduled callbacks allow a user to create a call at a future time when the recipient has indicated that they will be available and would like to be contacted.
Both of these features assist a company in making sure that communication continues even if there is a current obstacle. Dynamic callbacks are mostly used for internal calls, while scheduled callbacks are mostly used for external communication.
Dialling Restrictions
Dialling restrictions control the types of calls that users are permitted to make. At the most basic level, this includes whether a user is only allowed to make internal calls, such as an extension in the kitchen, or to make internal and external calls.
Dialling restrictions allow granular control over what types of calls may be made by a user by allowing the creation of block and allow lists. This allows the company to proactively manage and prevent possible personal calls and abuse.
Administrative Features
Administrative platform features allow for the management and maintenance of the platform itself. They are mostly geared towards configuration management and general support of users and are predominantly technical or financial.
Account Management
Account Management allows the user control over the financial aspects of their account, including prepaid renewals and airtime top-ups, and access to all invoices and statements on the account.
User Management
Within the platform, it is possible to manage users’ abilities and permissions. This is useful for separating out functional responsibilities as well as honing in on what a user needs to see, and not be overwhelmed by enormous amounts of unnecessary information or features.
Having granular control over users is wonderful but can also be very time-consuming. Roles allow easier administration of user permission sets, particularly when multiple users have the same requirements. A role is a template of the permissions to be created and applied, deploying those changes automatically to those under that role. These can be easily modified as needed.
Customisable Pause Codes
Part of productivity management is understanding productive time, and what team members are doing the rest of the time. Pause codes allow agents to declare their reasons for not being available quickly and easily, for example at lunch, on a productive break (training or a meeting), or taking a personal break. These can be tracked for reporting purposes.
Being able to customise pause codes enables a company to create reporting that suits them, whilst understanding their teams’ time better.
Extension Management
Maintenance of a PBX system often comprises “adds, moves and changes” on individual extensions. This encompasses anything from the activation and deactivation of extensions and features to group allocation, queue memberships, reporting lines or dialling restrictions. Being able to do this within a web-based management console allows companies to react faster and more cost-effectively than with legacy systems, as there is no need to call out technical staff which incurs costs and delays.
Administrative Groups
The administrative group is a feature that allows extensions to be grouped logically, whether this is a team or department structure, this allows for managerial features such as the reporting of costs.
Provisioning allows an endpoint device, such as a telephone, for a user to be automatically configured by the administrator.
This makes for faster and more efficient deployment, particularly to remote locations where onsite IT support may not always be available.
Contact Management
Contact management allows for the creation and management of a centralised contact list, including team members and customers. The benefit of this is in easier maintenance of contact details.
Integration Centre
The Integration Centre allows the Euphoria platform to interact with other platforms, like Microsoft Teams, FreshDesk, Zendesk or ZOHO which allows for the transfer of data between integrated systems. This enables users to leverage the capabilities of other systems to allow for seamless workflows, and access to information such as contact information, or looking up a customer account.
Managerial Features
Managerial features are the components of the platform geared towards those in management roles and are predominantly focused on information gathering and reporting.
Call Detail Reporting
Call Detail Records provide detailed call history in realtime.
They are useful for auditing purposes, as they detail what calls were made, to which number, at which time, and for how long.
Call Recording
Call Recording provides proof that a call was made, and documents the contents of the call. They are encrypted and are useful for security, training, compliance and audit trails. Recordings are available to listen to or download.
Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis enables you to see the cost of your outbound calls for a specified duration and understand your usage patterns. So for example, you can see a breakdown of calls within call categories - international, local, mobile - over your volume as well as cost.
You can view your costs across administrative groups and for individual extensions. For example, if you want to see how much your sales team is costing you in calls, you can review that administrative group.
Incoming Call Analysis
Incoming Call Analysis allows you to view patterns on your inbound traffic, for instance, which DIDs are receiving the most calls on different days of the week or during specific hours of the day, as well as who your frequent callers are. This can help determine the success of a campaign linked to a particular number, for example, and enables you to track trends so you can determine when you need to have more people available to answer calls at different times or on different days.
Agent Analytics
Agent Analytics are available for queue participants and agents. The difference is in the level of data provided and the functionality they experience.
An agent extension, for example, will include time and attendance reporting and productivity management features while queue participants are only available in queues to answer calls and produce basic inbound statistics for managers.
This is predominantly useful for performance management including time and attendance and productivity.
Queue Analytics
Queue analytics provides an overview of how your queues are performing. Depending on how you have set up your queues - by department or by product line, for example - you will get different insights into their performance. This is important because it enables you to manage performance at a level beyond individual team members.
Inbound Analytics
This allows for statistical reporting around things like IVRs and hunt lists, often used to determine the effectiveness of your inbound strategies. For example, if you have an IVR and everyone is hitting 1, your IVR is not being effective. On a hunt list, where you define several levels, you can see how often it is overflowing. Inbound analytics are often used to do IVR analytics where an IVR has been used for survey purposes.
Campaign Analytics
Campaigns analytics shows you an overview of your campaigns, how they are performing, current status and progress indicators. The feature gives you a bird’s eye view of campaigns. If something is not going well you can tweak and reassign teams to more useful things.
Realtime Monitoring
Realtime monitoring is available for calls, extensions, queues, conferences, agents and campaigns. It gives you ‘up to the moment what’s happening on the floor’ statistics while the analytics provide historical reporting.
Realtime monitoring is useful for managers interacting with teams that need to be agile as it gives them insights into what their teams are busy with so they can manage their productivity.
Automated and Scheduled Reporting
Automated and scheduled reporting gives you the data you need without having to go looking for it. It provides access to ‘up to that time’ data in all of the above reporting categories and functions. If you want to have a sales team meeting on a Monday and discuss calls for the last week you can get this report sent to you an hour before, every week, without having to log in and go and find it.
Scoring is a module that has multiple business uses including QA management, performance management, product information dissemination, training, and things like customer satisfaction polling. You could also use it, for example, to check that calls are compliant if you have a legal requirement for calls to be binding. You can use scoring to train and performance manage support teams, or you can onboard customers and walk them through a form and ask them the relevant questions using this module.
Extension Feature Definition
Call channels
Call channels set how many concurrent calls an extension can support. A standard extension may want 2 so you can transfer or conference someone else in, whereas a receptionist might need 5 or 6. It’s suggested that you limit it to 7 because you cannot handle 7 calls at once. This is also an anti-fraud mechanism because if an extension is compromised, the criminals can only make 2 concurrent calls, for example. This limits the financial impact versus if the extension was able to make 200 concurrent calls., for instance
Additional Registration
This allows you to have another device linked to your extension number so you can get incoming calls ringing on both devices, for example, your desk and mobile phone. This means you can pick up calls to your extension wherever you are.
Administrative groups
This feature allows you to group extensions together for reporting purposes, such as for teams or departments.
Advanced Analytics
This is the feature that enables an extension to use the Agent Workspace, and provides the detailed information on agent extensions - such as productivity data, time and attendance information and so on - that is not available for queue participants.
Agent Workspace
The Agent Workspace is an online web-based workspace for agents. It incorporates a browser phone, allows agents to make use of integrations configured in the integrations centre - eg CRM systems like FreshDesk - and enables them to use outcomes management and reporting. They can create tickets, look up contacts in a CRM, and do a lookup against a phone number to see open tickets so the agent isn’t going into the call cold.
The Euphoria API allows external components to integrate with the Euphoria platform. Customers can use it to be able to do things like embed phones into their custom-built software beyond normal SIP phone capabilities.
This function allows an extension to block a contact or phone number. You can set it to ring, ring and hang up, ring and go to voicemail, go straight to voicemail or just bin the call.
Browser Phone
Euphoria users can make and receive calls and access the platform's functions via a softphone embedded in a web browser (as well as via a VoIP handset or the mobile app), which means having a phone available wherever you are.
Budgeting allows us to cap a user’s spending. You can allocate allowances daily, weekly or monthly.
These are useful to control personal spending on an extension, for example, people who don’t usually make work calls can be allocated R10 a day to make personal calls.
Call History
This provides a record of your prior activities - inbound and outbound and is useful for returning missed calls, looking up when someone calls, finding numbers you have used previously to call them again etc.
Call Monitoring and Coaching (Whisper, Spy and Barge)
Whisper, spy and barge allow you to engage with someone on a call. Spy lets you listen to them without them being aware you are there, whisper allows you to speak to the agent without the caller hearing you, which is useful for things like coaching, and barge allows both parties to hear you so you can assist a team member to resolve something or intervene on a call if needed.
Call Recording
Call recording as an extension feature means calls can be recorded, which management can then listen to or download as needed. It can be used for quality assurance and so on.
Dialler Campaigns
This feature allows an agent to either take part in a preview or power dialler campaign, where the system is dialling from a predefined list.
This is useful for high-volume environments where you are trying to reach a lot of people quickly. Preview and power diallers work differently and are suited to different applications.
The preview has a higher success rate but lower call volumes, power-dialler calls a lot of people but the conversion ratio is substantially lower.
Dialling Restrictions
Allow you to restrict what a team member can or cannot dial - eg internal calls only for a kitchen extension, or restrictions it to block or allow lists, local or international calls are blocked or allowed etc.
Outcome Management
Also known as dispositions, outcome management lets an agent select a call outcome at the end of a call. This gives management an overview of what happened in a call centre on any given day. For instance, 1000 calls were received and 250 sales were made. This is also useful to tie into integrations to kick off different workflows based on an outcome - for example getting an installation team to call a customer who has purchased a product. It is also useful for performance management.
Dynamic and Scheduled Callbacks
Dynamic callbacks allow a team member to request a call back if another team member is on the phone when they try to call them.
Scheduled callbacks allow an agent to schedule a call in the system and the system will do it automatically - eg when a customer asks to be called tomorrow at 12.
Euphoria Advanced Softphone
The EAS allows you to view queues, the ‘busy lamps’ field and manage your own queue membership - joining or leaving. Agents can’t choose this, it has to be done for them.
Event-driven Webhooks for Integration
We implement this through things like the Agent Workspace. It allows you to tie events in a call flow to certain integrations. For example, for an incoming call, it looks up the number using an integration.
Find Me/Follow Me
This feature allows you to set an escalation path for yourself. For example, if I do not answer or I am busy please send the call to my mobile or escalate it to my manager and so on. This is very useful in environments where team members cannot miss calls.
This feature allows you to specify that if, for example, you are on a call, any news calls are sent to your assistant, or that you will be away from your desk and all calls are to be automatically sent to your mobile phone.
Global Contacts
Global contacts allow you to have a centralised phone book, which is useful for all team members who need to access the same client contacts and keeps it saved in a centralised location. This helps to manage and maintain contact data and stops you from having to produce an extension list people print and refer to.
Permission Management
Permission management enables managers to control access to data and features and restrict what team members can have access to (for example call recordings) or visibility into (such as call detail records).
Performance and Productivity Management
This feature helps managers to account for what their agents are doing during the day including visibility into when they log in or off, when they are paused or unpaused, and gives insights into actions taken and how effective they were.
Coupled with outcomes management, this gives managers a seamless way to manage performance and productivity and take actions as needed.
Personal Contacts
A contact list, akin to that on a mobile device, that is personal to the user. This means users can have their business contacts available whichever device they are on.
Personal or Anonymous CallerID?
Personal caller IDs allow you to declare a direct number that people can call you back on - this can be a global number for the business. If you wish to hide your number, you can do this through anonymous callerID.
Pickup groups?
Pickup groups allow teams to pick up calls destined for other extensions, in the same pickup group, so as to ensure calls are not missed and customers get excellent service.
Pin dialling
Pin dialling allows a user to log in to their extension using a pin number via any device. This is useful for hot-desking, call cost monitoring, and picking up voicemail wherever the user is.
Queue Participation
This feature enables an extension to be part of a queue and to be assigned to said queue/queues by a manager, which allows for inbound calls to be handled more effectively than through, for example, a ring group and produces statistics around call patterns.
Randomised CLI option
Agents sometimes want calls to come from a different number every time, particularly, for example, for debt collections or other types of calls that recipients might want to avoid. The randomised CLI option does this for them automatically.
This feature allows you to decide how long to retain data for, based on your specific requirements and legal or regulatory considerations.
Screening enables you to set which numbers do or do not get through to a specific extension, and how these calls are handled. For example, if you don't want someone to phone you, you can set it up so that the number rings out.
The system can also ask inbound callers to announce who they are, the system will call the extension, play the announcement and give the recipient the option to accept or decline the call.
If you are a queue participant, Euphoria’s system tracks events in queues.
From this information, we can gather statistics and provide call traces (a trail of exactly what happened to each call).
As an extension feature, if you are looking for information on your calls, this is how it is created.
Time and Attendance
A side effect of the advanced analytics feature, this requires users to log on and off and requires them to pause and unpause to manage their availability within the system. This in turn provides views into their time and attendance and productivity insights.
Voicemail allows callers to leave a message for someone if they are unavailable. Users can set it up so that it emails messages to you, which is useful if you are not in the office to view and pick up voicemails.
Workforce Management
This is an element of productivity and performance management, which comes from time and attendance outcomes management. It gives you a framework to set out KPIs and so on for teams to establish what is expected from them, and to track their performance against it - eg 1 hour lunch, 2 15-minute tea breaks, and so on, even if they are working remotely.
Extension Types
Target Audience
This extension type is suited to a low volume, low requirement back-office user who doesn’t need to make and receive huge numbers of calls but does want some availability features (like forwarding) so they can receive the calls they need and not be disturbed unnecessarily.
Default Features
Personal Contacts
Dialling restrictions
Administrative groups
Pickup groups
Personal or anonymous caller ID
Dynamic and scheduled callbacks
Call history
Find me/Follow me
Enterprise Extension
Target Audience
This extension type is designed for power users, who need access to a wide range of features and functionalities, while not quite needing the productivity reporting available to agents. Enterprise extensions cater to a wide audience from receptionists to executive level users.
Key features of enterprise extensions include the ability to participate in queues and availability features like additional registration, browser phone and find me/follow me which give the user multiple options for making sure calls get to them wherever they are.
Default Features
Browser phone
Additional registration
Pin dialling
Queue participation
Global contacts
Personal contacts
Euphoria Advanced Softphone
Call Monitoring and coaching (whisper, spy and barge)
Dialling restrictions
Dynamic and scheduled callbacks
Find me/Follow me
Call channels
Call History
Basic Statistics
Call Buster
Target Audience
Call buster extensions are designed for enterprise users who want to limit and reduce their variable costs.
Default Features
Browser phone
Additional registration
Pin dialling
Queue participation
Global contacts
Personal contacts
Euphoria Advanced Softphone
Call Monitoring and coaching (whisper, spy and barge)
Dialling restrictions
Dynamic and scheduled callbacks
Find me/Follow me
Call channels
Call History
Basic Statistics
Target Audience
For businesses who need to manage time and attendance, as well as productivity and performance of their teams whether they are working remotely or on-site, irrespective of whether or not they are call centre agents.
Default Features
Call recording
Advanced analytics
Global contacts
Time and attendance
Performance and productivity management
Workforce management
Randomised CLI option
Agent Workspace
Event-driven webhooks for integration
Dynamic and scheduled callbacks
5-year retention
Dialling restrictions
Call monitoring and coaching (whisper, spy and barge)
Agent and dialler
Target Audience
Adding dialler functionality to an agent extension allows that extension to make a large number of calls within a short period and get an outcome disposition on each call. This includes scripting to support team members with content that should be included in those calls.
This extension type is useful whether you are doing a marketing campaign, calling clients for information, sales campaigns, or an administration team doing customer service follow-ups. Outcome management feeds into the high-level reporting on campaign performance.
Default Features
Call recording
Advanced analytics
Global contacts
Time and attendance
Performance and productivity management
Workforce management
Randomised CLI option
Agent Workspace
Event-driven webhooks for integration
Dynamic and scheduled callbacks
Dialler campaigns