What is the Call Recordings Manager?
The Call Recordings Manager is an application to view all call recordings company-wide. It's designed to be quick and as convenient as using the TMS. A user can use it to search call recordings and play the files directly from the cloud, dependent on the user’s permissions.
Files can be downloaded to a local folder either one by one or as a bulk selection over a period of time. Once downloaded, the file is authenticated and is available for long term storage. As call recordings have a complicated file name, the application automatically changes the file name to the date and time of the call recording in the local file where the downloaded file is stored.
How to Install and Use the Call Recordings Manager
- Go to the TMS URL: https://tms.euphoria.co.za/
- Click on the Downloads and Tools menu item.
- Click on the Windows Applications sub-menu item.
- Click on the “Call Recordings Manager” download button.
- Follow the prompts and install the Call recordings Manager.
- Once installed, open the application and fill in your TMS Log on details (These are the same details used to log on to your TMS account.)
- Choose a location where all recordings should be saved. This can be changed before every download if need be.
- Apply the settings. The Call Recordings Manager will now open and can be used.
- Adjust Applications Settings:
1.1. Click on Application.
1.2. Click on Settings.
1.3. Change the log on details. (This would be done if the TMS password has changed and the user needs to update the application details.)
1.5. Ensure the correct tenant is chosen (This will be the same as your TMS account Tenant, Tenant options will only be available once the user is logged in to the Soft Phone Applications)
1.4. Change the Local storage folder. (This will send all recordings to a file of your choosing on your computer)
1.5. Adjust the double-clicking shortcut on the mouse. This will allow the user to either download a singular recording, play the local or server file, or delete the local file.
1.6. Change the amount of recordings to be shown one page. This amount will only be what is shown per page, not the amount of recordings available for the date range chosen.
1.7. More settings allows the user to choose a proxy server. A proxy server is an application that acts as a gateway between users and the internet. It's an intermediary server separating end users from the websites they browse. User will enter the proxy server IP address given to them by their network technician.
1.8. Click Apply to save the changes.
2. Once the settings have been applied, call recordings can be viewed:
2.1. Choose the date range to retrieve a set of call recordings.
2.2. Click on display. All available recordings will display. A filter excludes a range of call
recordings based on their duration.
For example, to exclude all recordings below 60 seconds, add 60 into the filter and click
The “Newer” and “Older” buttons can be used to page through the dataset of records if the
number of records retrieved is greater than the page size set by the user in the application
Within the view, several columns can be seen:
The direction of the call (Inbound or outbound)
The call date and time
Whether the call was flagged - Flagged means that a user who has access to flagging has marked a call recording as important to be listened to.
The source: Where the call came from if outbound the caller's number and if inbound the extension number.
Destination: This is the inbound queue or campaign, outbound will be the number the company contacted.
Call duration
The size of the call recording
If the Call is Authentic: All calls are encrypted at creation, and hence are able to prove that they are unaltered. The IS Authentic value is verified by running the files MD5 code thru an MD% algorithm, if it matches, then it is Authentic.
What the file name is of the Call recording
2.2. Call recordings can be viewed before they are downloaded:
After the data has been fetched and is visible in the main grid, click on the "View Download Report" button to view a breakdown of what the current record set contains.
A list of duplicate records (if any) will be visible, along with the number of times the file is repeated. When a file is repeated, the amount of copies will be shown with a number at the end of the recording name; however, only one copy will be downloaded.
This is because some of the PBX’s have recordings that are added on a call when it is transferred, forwarded, etc. In this case, there would be a file record written for each leg of the call but with the same file name.
- Total Unique Duplicate Records: The number of files that have one or more instances.
- Total Duplicate Records: This shows the total number of files with their copies.
- Total Unique Records: The list of files that are eligible to be downloaded once the copies have been identified.
Assuming the download process is successful (This could be interrupted due to a power outage or network interruptions etc.). This value should also correspond with the number of downloaded files in the target folder on your laptop or PC.
2.3. Either download a singular recording or download all recordings displayed by clicking on the “Download” or “Download All” button. These recordings will be saved in the folder chosen during Setup.
When several call recordings are chosen to be downloaded, the secondary section of the window will show:
- The Unique ID of the call recording.
- The file name of the call recording.
- The progress of the download.
- How many recordings have been found - Bottom left corner (Not to be confused with the amount of recordings to be shown per page)
- How many have been downloaded, and how many, if any, have failed and duplicated in downloading
When the files have been downloaded, but the selection needs to be adjusted, the “Over Write
Existing” button can be ticked to ensure copies are not downloaded, but that the file on the PC or
laptop is just adjusted.
Once files are downloaded they are saved on the laptop or PC as per the application settings and the downloaded records is written to a CSV file, which is then saved in the same location as the downloaded files. The file name is a combination of the date and time when the download operation completed with a CSV extension.