Inbound Analytics

The purpose of inbound analytics is to provide statistics around inbound calls, including hunt lists and IVRs. These statistics are useful for measuring external behaviour, particularly with interactions with Huntlists and IVRs, for example measuring how often customers reach the end of a huntlist could indicate a need for further actions to be available.

Inbound Routes

The overview of the inbound route shows a summary by DID of which actions applied and how many times. When a call is invalid this means that there was no inbound route to take. These values only indicate the immediate action of the inbound route, for example if an inbound call goes initially to a huntlist and then an IVR, it would only count toward the huntlist count.

Hunt List 

The overview of Hunt lists shows how many levels or actions a number had to go through before being answered. Huntlists should get callers to their destinations as soon as possible. Huntlists with high call counts on higher huntlist levels (Such as "Level 5>"), might indicate a badly configured and inefficient inbound routes.

The IVR Menu 

IVR summary shows which options were selected by callers and how often, also to view how many calls were Timed Out (TO), chose Invalid options (INV), hung up (HU), or choose the “other” option to be transferred to an operator.  

IVR menus with high Invalid(INV) or high Hungup(HU) counts might be an indication of ambiguous IVR options, or options not listed in the IVR menu. Consider the goals of these callers and perhaps include this option in the IVR menu.

Similarly, IVR menus with higher counts on later options might indicate the preferred menu options for the majority callers. Consider moving these options closer to the front of your IVR menu.

            For more in-depth call traces, Call Logs can be accessed by clicking through particular values, or by

            selecting the “Open Call Logs” button within the Report Options on the Inbound Analytics page.

Inbound Call Logs

As with Queue Call logs, the inbound call logs can be filtered by date range and inbound call option whether it be hunt list, IVR, queue, hangup, transferred etc. 

With each call log, the administrator is able to expand the view by clicking the “+” to see all events that occurred within this call. If a “Play” button is present, then the call was recorded and is available for listening or download. A warning indicator will be present if the call has more than 4 events, and that the call should be inspected. 

In the event of attended transferred calls, the detailed steps of inbound calls will only be available up to the point when the transfer occurred. This is because an attended transfer is a new call, and so do not form part of the initial call.

Articles Related “How To” Document Links:

How to View Inbound Analytics.