Scoring is the ability to create and use a questionnaire to gather information on a topic. The information will, in turn, provide insight depending on the use case of the scorecard, To fully understand the scoring module, it is necessary to understand the Use cases, Terminology and Roles. 

Use Cases for Scorecards

Scorecards can be used for internal and external use cases. The Scorecards options for the use cases are:

  • Quality Assurance

  • Telephonic Surveys


Scorecards can have different attributes depending on their use case, and these differences can be described in various ways.


The topic is the purpose of the scorecard. Whilst generic scorecards are possible, it is often important to the desired reporting to split scorecards into particular topics. For instance, instead of having one scorecard for a company and creating sections per department, a creator would create a scorecard per department with generic questions. The analyst (reporter role) can then compare the scorecards for the different departments.

Scorecard Subjects

A scorecard may sometimes assess something or someone in particular, such as a performance review or a QA assessment. The person or object that the scorecard is about is referred to as the scorecard subject.


Attachments to a scorecard allow additional information to be provided to the reviewer and are provided in two ways. A permanent attachment is attached on the creation of a scorecard and is a constant addition, i.e. it is always there with the scorecard. Permanent attachments can be used for cases like a product information dissemination, where the attachment can provide information about a product. Permanent attachments can be at a scorecard, section or question level, but these attachments remain static and are included every time the scorecard is reviewed. Permanent attachment are not immutable however, they can be changed if the scorecard is edited.

Assignment attachments are added at the time of assignment. They are used so that a single scorecard can be used for cases such as Quality Assurance, where the scorecard remains the same, but the call recording changes, hence the subject of the review. 

Examples for each Use Case: 

Quality Assurance

Allows reviewers to rate an agent's call recording, which is added as an attachment, against a predefined scorecard to ensure company standards are followed.  The reviewer would be a manager or QA personnel in this case. By choosing an attachment - the subject is implied. 

Telephonic Surveys

Telephonic surveys use DTMF tones (telephone keypad input) from the reviewer to answer the recorded questions. When a client listens to the survey questions they will have 3 chances to answer a question with a valid option, if no valid option is given then the survey will end.

A recorded audio questionnaire is added to a scorecard to rate a person, system or product. These can be used for service surveys such as when an agent completes a conversation with a caller, they can ask the caller to complete the telephonic survey and rate their service. 



There are four roles within the scoring module being Creator, Assigner, Reviewer, and Reporter. A single user may have one or more of these roles assigned to them. It is not necessary for a user to have all four roles unless required for their function.

  • Creator - Creates the scorecard and adds the questions. 

  • Assigner -  Assigns scorecards to the people who will complete them.

  • Reviewer - A person who completes the scorecard 

  • Reporter - Person who reviews the completed scorecards and the data this produces. 


A manager can create a scorecard with multiple sections and questions. When creating a scorecard, a few details are required: 

  • Scorecard Name.

  • An optional description provides further details about the scorecard.

  • The type will ask what use case the scorecard is being used for, and this will affect other options for the scorecard, for instance:

    • Quality Assurance Scorecard 

    • Telephonic Survey Scorecard 

  • Assignment Expiry sets a reviewer's duration to complete an assignment and only affects the Quality Assurance scorecard. 

Once a scorecard is created, it is possible to then create sections within to potentially group questions of a similar nature, such as when evaluating different criteria. Question setup will differ depending on the type of scorecard set up; for example, a telephonic survey allows the creator to add a recording/attachment in the introduction and in every question created. 

There are two answer options when creating questions for a quality assurance scorecard:

  • Multiple Choice -  A reviewer can only choose one option.

  • Checkboxes - A reviewer can choose multiple options.

Telephonic surveys use DTMF tones (telephone keypad input) from the reviewer to answer the recorded questions. 

It is possible to have questions that may not be applicable sometimes and, as such, would be answered as Not Applicable. This is particularly useful, for example, when measuring compliance. In this situation, answering no could penalise the agent’s overall score.  In this case, selecting Not Applicable will discount that question entirely, and, for example, the section that previously was possibly scored out of 6 would now only be considered scored out of 5.

The scorecard sections will reflect the total maximum score as questions are added. Once created, it is possible to edit, delete, or add questions by clicking on the appropriate icon in the section header. Once all the required sections and their questions have been added, the Preview button will show what the scorecard will look like to the reviewer.      

Reviewer Groups

A reviewer will only have access to review a scorecard when it has been assigned to them. This happens either as a manual assignment process by an Assigner or automatically such as when an agent transfers a call to a Telephonic surveys via a feature code. 

Internal assignments can happen in two ways, which allow for individual or bulk assignments to be done. To add multiple reviewers to multiple recordings, reviewer groups have been created.

Groups can be created for ease of management and assignments. There is no limit to the number of reviewers that can be added to a group. Groups are also useful in such circumstances as when using the scoring module to disseminate new product information.  

Individual reviewers and reviewers in groups will be chosen depending on the type of scorecard that has been created: 

  • Quality Assurance Reviewer: Extension users and managers of a company who have the Reviewer role enabled are able to reviewer scorecards assigned to them.  

  • Telephonic Survey Reviewer: This could be an internal or external caller who is transferred to the survey, as such, Reviewer Groups have no impact on these.

Reviewer groups are seen in the Bulk Assignment section, where two options to assign to a group are available. These will affect the number of reviewers required to complete the assigned scorecard.

  • All - All group members are required to fill in the assigned scorecard.

  • First come, First ServeThe assignment will appear to all members of the group until such time as someone starts it, at which point it will not be available to other group members anymore.


When creating an assignment, available reviewers will be shown, and depending on the scorecard type, subjects and attachments will need to be selected. 

A pop-up will let the manager choose the desired attachment. In the case of QA scorecards, filter options allow for a specific recording to be added to the reviewer and allow the assigner to specify the extension, queue, disposition or call outcome to search for the desired subject and attachment.

A notification will let the manager know the assignment has been completed and is available for the reviewer in their pending menu item.  

Bulk Assignment

The Bulk assignments page allows multiple assignments to be created at once. For QA-type assignments, this is done by selecting multiple attachments at once. For each attachment selected, an assignment is created.

Various search criteria allow the displayed attachments to be filtered to a desired set. These criteria include the extension, dates, queue and campaign options, disposition filter and outcome options. 

Once the desired selections have been made, clicking the Assign button will continue to the next step of the process, selecting reviewers.


When assigning reviewers, the scorecard is selected first, and then individual or group of reviewers. 


The assignments page allows managers/assigners to view the details of all scorecards that have been assigned, including the assignment date, the reviewer, the scorecard and the status. A manager is also able to cancel assignments here.


From the pending page, reviewers can see their outstanding or incomplete assignments listed from oldest to newest by their assignment date. A warning will appear once an assignment approaches its expiry date.


The Reports page requires the user to have the reporter role and is different from other information pages previously seen. The filters include a View option, which changes the perspective of the report and its use case. Changing the view will also affect what filters are available. 

The Scorecard view is the topics view. It gives the reporter an overall view of the results of the scorecard and allows for a particular scorecard to be selected. This would be used in a case where the scorecard is perhaps being used to disseminate or gather information, such as a new product release or a survey when an overall perspective of how reviewers performed on a particular scorecard is required.

The Reviewer view allows reporters to see how a particular reviewer might score over time or compare them to other reviewers. A use case for this could be to compare reviewers to see if one reviewer is more critical than another.

The Agent (subject) view is useful in measuring the performance of the subject. Use cases include performance reviews, compliance targets, or understanding how the subject has absorbed new product information.

Reports and their filters will adjust depending on the assignment type. Quality Assurance and Telephonic Survey assignments will be able to show reports for Reviewers, Subjects and Scorecard. 

The overview of reports shows a number of details, including the scorecard name, how many assignments were created for the scorecard, how many assignments were completed, incomplete assignments awaiting review, and expired and cancelled assignments. Lastly, the overview shows the percentage of assignments completed.  This overview can be exported and/or delved into further by selecting a report. 

From inside an individual report, filter options are available again, as in the overview. This will allow the reporter to view other reports without having to go back to the main page. Below the filters, the reporter can see the individual assignments, the reviewer who did the assignment and their extension number. The score of the assignment and action section are tabs to allow the reporter to play a recording, see the results of the particular assignment and view the scorecard. 


The Results option in the action tabs opens a new page. 

The attachment details are seen below; the overview of this assignment shows the following information:

  • Date - The date of the recording.

  • Direction - Whether the call was inbound or outbound.

  • Source - What number the call came from.

  • Destination - Where the call went. 

  • Size - The size of the call recording.

  • Agent - The person to whom the caller spoke or the person who called out from the company. 

  • Disposition - The reporting result of what happened to the call

  • Outcome  - The detail of the reporting result. 

Below is the completed scorecard. The sections can be opened, and the score for each question can be seen.  Alternatively, the questionnaire can be opened from this page with the View Questionnaire button. 

On the questionnaire page, the options chosen can be seen, and the recording can be listened to.


The reviewer's notes will be visible at the bottom of the results and questionnaire pages.  


Articles Related How To Document Links:

How to Create a Scorecard for Quality Assurance.

How to Assign a Recording/Assignment to a Quality Assurance Scorecard.

How to Create a Scorecard for a Telephonic Survey.

How to Activate/Use a Telephonic Survey Scorecard.

Where to find Scorecards that are Pending Reviews.

How to create Reviewer Groups for Scorecards.

How to view outstanding assignments.

How to find Scorecard/Reviewer/Agent Reports In the Scoring Menu Item.