TMS Integration Centre - Webhook Creation
The Euphoria API (Application Programming Interface) is a web service that can interact with other systems to achieve several tasks. Some of these tasks may be actions the system can perform, such as dialling a number or retrieving certain information for use in another system like a CRM application (hereafter referred to as the “target system”).
To achieve any level of integration between systems, both may need the ability to interact via API, so find out what APIs the other system can offer before embarking on an integration project.
Note: System webhooks usage is restricted to extensions with agent functionality enabled.
Integration Centre
The Integration Centre has two primary uses:
To send data to another system, this may be information such as numbers, call duration, attending agent or even call outcomes.
To query and retrieve information from the other system, often based on information available in the call, such as the number calling in or supplied by an agent, such as a reference/ticket number.
To converse with the other system, the Integration Centre allows the creation of “webhooks”. A webhook is essentially a way to talk to an API on the other system for processing (whatever that may involve), meaning it needs to understand (and be configured for) how the API on the other system expects to interact.
To create webhooks, creating the ground rules for communication in the Integration Group is necessary. The most often include parameters like authentication, and the particulars should be available in the other system's documentation.
To learn how to create a group, select the Integration Center: How to Create an Integration Group link.
Once a group has been created, webhooks can be created. To learn how to create a Webhook, select the link: How to Create a Webhook.
Below are the steps to create the Case Look Up, Integration and Manual Case Lookup Webhooks.
For any of the below webhooks to work, the device/agent must have the local agent running (From Voyager)
How to Create the Case Look Up Webhook
1. Go to the TMS URL:
2. Choose the desired account. (A user needs access to the menu item to complete the below steps).
3. Click on the API & Integration Center menu item.
4. Click on the Integration Center sub-menu item.
5. When more than one integration group exists, select the correct Integration group.
6. Click on the down arrow next to the Actions tab.
7. Click on the Add Webhook button.
8. Give the webhook a name: Used to identify the webhook, it is helpful to make this descriptive.
9. Select the AJAX Get Webhook Type.
10. Select the URL Webhook Data Type.
11. Select the Do not Show Response Type, which is how the target system wants the response to be handled.
12. Add the URL that the webhook needs to access.
13. Add a parameter:
Name: case_reference
Parameter Value: {CALL_CRMTAG}
14. Click the Test and Configure button.
15. Click Save to create the webhook.
How to Create the Integration Webhook
Follow Steps 1- 11 from the Case Look-Up Webhook
12. Add the URL that the webhook needs to access.
13. Add 11 parameters:
Parameter 1:
Name: dispo_category
Parameter Value: {CALL_DISPOSITION}
Parameter 2:
Name: dispo_utcome
Parameter Value: {CALL_OUTCOME}
Parameter 3:
Name: case_reference
Parameter Value: {CALL_CRMTAG}
Parameter 4:
Name: agent
Parameter Value: {EXTENSION_NO}
Parameter 5:
Name: phone_number
Parameter Value: {CALL_NUMBER}
Parameter 6:
Name: sipcallid
Parameter Value: {CALL_SIPID}
Parameter 7:
Name: calldate
Parameter Value: {DATETIME}
Parameter 8:
Name: duration
Parameter Value: {CALL_DURATION}
Parameter 9:
Name: direction
Parameter Value: {CALL_DIR}
Parameter 10:
Name: notes
Parameter Value: {CALL_NOTES}
Parameter 11:
Name: queue_name
Parameter Value: {CALL_QUEUE}
14. Click the Test and Configure button.
15. Click Save to create the webhook.
How to Create the Manual Case Lookup Webhook
Follow Steps 1- 11 from the Case Look-Up Webhook
12. Add the URL that the webhook needs to access.
13. Add a parameter:
Name: case_reference
Parameter Value: {AGENT_INPUT_1}
14. Click the Test and Configure button.
15. Click Save to create the webhook.
Once a webhook has been created, it can be added to a queue or campaign. Please follow the link to the How to Guides:
How to Add a Webhook to a Queue
How to Add a Webhook to a Campaign
Webhooks in Use
From the agent's point of view, the webhooks can be seen when the agent is on a call.
Open Case Webhook.
Call History Webhook.