The Realtime campaigns page display shows an overview of all the currently active campaigns. Much like pages in Analytics, each value in the table can be selected for more details on the calls that match the selected value. Selecting a campaign name will present the detailed page with more information for that particular campaign.

Specific Realtime Campaign Statistics

The detailed campaign statistic pages seem much like the analytics pages with a summary bar and graphs for target progression and outcomes, although these values are specific to the currently active list and generally measure the campaign progress for today.

It is the area below this; however, that is particular to realtime campaigns. These two sections will show currently active campaign calls with the attending agent and the duration. 

A table of active agents shows their performance in this campaign, as well as their current status and the duration of that state. As before, the values in the table are selectable for more details about those particular calls.

Articles Related Links:

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Current Calls

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Realtime Extension

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Realtime Queues

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Realtime Dialer Status

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Realtime Conference

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Realtime Agents

TMS Feature - Realtime Monitor: Connectivity

How to View Realtime Current Calls

How to Use Wisper/Spy/Barge in Current Calls

How to View Realtime Extensions

How to View Realtime Queues